All Our Own

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"We have some news to announce"

Kylie said as everyone gathered around the table and she lay down some maps.

"Kylie and I are planning to move out soon before the baby arrives"

Donnie said with a smile. Everyone's mouth drop.

"Are you sure you thought this through Donatello?"

Master Splinter asked in concern.

"We have Master Splinter and that's not all we..."

"Wait your leaving us?"

Raph said cutting Donnie off. All eyes fell on Raph.

"Well yeah but"

Donnie said as he tried to continue.

"But we're family. Family stays together, I mean for crying out loud we live together, we train together, we fight together and now you want to live in a fairy tale land. What would happen if you and the babies get caught?"

"Raph it's not like that"

"If you want to leave then fine"

"Raph would you just..."

"Go ahead and see if I care!"

He yelled walking away. Kylie and Donnie look to each in confusion. Summer let out a sigh.

"I'll go talk to him"

Summer said before she can go, a hand placed on her shoulder she looked back to see it was Leonardo.

"No, I'll talk to him"

He said heading up the stairs.

"Please continue Donatello"

"Um actually I want to explain while everyone is here"

Donnie said sadly.

"If I would have known this would be hard on everyone then I would have kept my mouth shut"

"Don't be sorry, this is yours and Kylie's future. You guys are thinking ahead for the babies and in the end that's what should really matter"

*With Raph and Leo*

Raph angrily punched the cement wall.

"Calm down, Raphael, I know why your upset"

"I can't believe we are even discussing this! Donnie know why he can't live topside!"

"I understand that but we also know Donnie isn't that careless. We have to remember he is building a family and this place would be crowded with kids one day and we will all need our own space"


"So we need to be there for him to support him on his decision, we may not like it because you Donnie always have some up his sleeve"

Raphael let out a sigh.

"I hate it when you're right, fearless"

Leonardo smirk.

"Come on bro, Donnie isn't done explaining his plan"


Leo and Raph made their way back inside the sewer home and towards the group. Summer happily hugged her boyfriend. Raph looked to Donnie across the table once Summer pulled away.

"Sorry about running off bro, I'm going to support you in any decision you make"

He said stretching his hand out to Donnie. Donnie smiled as he grabbed Raph's hand.

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