Third Time's A Charm

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Kylie was finally in her full term and the babies were due any day now. The house was fully remodel and furnish as well as the tunnel underground that leads to the turtles home. A nursery was set up, as well as every other rooms for the brothers, a dojo and Master Splinter's room.

"Are you feeling okay?"

Donnie asked worriedly as he helped Kylie to set on the couch. She let out a sigh as she rub her belly.

"Peachy Donnie"

"Sweetheart, maybe a nice warm bath can help with the aching of your back"

Donnie suggest. Kylie nodded.

"Yeah, I can use one"

Together they headed to the bathroom. Donnie prepared a hot bubble bath in the tub since that’s the best and most effective out of all of the treatments she had. The tub’s filled and Kylie ease herself into the water.

"I will be outside if you need me and the others will be back later"

Donnie said as he left the bathroom. Kylie let out a sigh as she leaned her head against the side of the tub. After a moment, Kylie sat up as she gasp


She lean on her right side, holding onto the side of the tub as a wave of pain come over her. Kylie start to whimper and cringe at the growing pain that doesn’t want to go away. Suddenly, she have felt the urge to push. It wasn’t her decision to push, but more like an instinct. She decided just go along with it if it means making the pain stop!

'Am I in labor?'

She thought as she pushed, her right side feels like it is on fire! Not even the pain from being ambushed by the Foot hurt this much! When she stop, her body was shaking from the strain and felt something between her legs. Hesitating, she slowly move a trembling hand to feel what it was. Kylie was a bit scared to know what she was about to discover. Her hand reaches in between her legs and…


'Is that a tiny foot I feel?!'

She practically scream in utter shock.


'I’m having a baby!'

Somehow, she know there’s something not right with how the baby’s coming out of her. Her hands starts to work on their own as she tries to push the foot back inside of her. Kylie couldn’t hold back the scream and muffled sob as her hands did their task, but fails to do so. After that, she couldn’t take it anymore as she started pushing again, this time both the baby’s feet are out!

'I’ve never been so scared in my life.'

Kylie can feel the tears in her eyes running down her cheeks as she start to push again. That’s when she remember something,

'My Donnie is here'

“Don. Don! Donnie! DONATELLO!”

Donnie drop his tools, startle to the sound of Kylie screaming his name repeatedly.

"What the heck?"


Donnie practically jump out of his chair and headed to the bathroom with his Bo staff in hand. When he enter the room, he was shocked to find Kylie panting hard with a scared and pained look on her face in the tub, with the water now a bit bloody under the bubbles.

“Kylie what’s wrong?!”

He asked in panic. Kylie whimpers as more tears roll down her cheeks,

“I’m having the baby"

Donnie quickly assist her as the two baby turtles came out.

"Strange, I thought they would come out in a egg"

Kylie was panting as she glared at him slightly.

"Donnie...I am...still human"

Donnie laughs.

"Right, sorry. I'm gonna put the babies in the bedroom and then come back for you"

He said as he gently carried the babies out of the bathroom. Kylie laid her head back and panted hard. She was just about to close her eyes when another pain shot through her. She let out a scream.


Donnie soon appeared back at the door way looking towards Kylie in surprise. As he got down on his knees again, Kylie immediately grabbed Donnie's hand again and grimaced in pain. Donnie let out a pained gasp when he felt Kylie squeeze his hand.


He cried out.

"What are you doing?"


Kylie screamed at him as another pained yell escaped her throat.


Donnie asked when Kylie laid back down panting.


Kylie yelled.


"There's a third baby!"

Donnie shouted quickly dip his hand inside the bloody water and placed his hands in between Kylie's legs and waited for the third baby mutant turtle to appear.

*Few Minutes Later*

Kylie and Donnie were in their bedroom, staring at the three baby mutant turtles that were on the bed making baby noises, sucking on their numbs and just staring back at their parents.

"Well I wasn't expecting to give birth in our bath tub"

Kylie said as she went to the nursery room to grab three diapers and placed it on each one.

"They sure do look beautiful"

Donnie commented as he gently caress each one on the cheek. Kylie smiled as she was done and nuzzled them gently.

"They're all females, do you have any suggestions on which names?"

Kylie asked looking up at him. Donnie let one of his baby girl grab on to his finger with one hand.

"What about Celeste for this one?"

"I love it. I like Mavis for the middle one"

"Okay and last but not least....Daisy"

"Oh Donnie, I love it."

Kylie said with excitement as she held her babies close.

"I'm your momma and this is your daddy"

She said signaling to Donnie who was right beside her.

"But no matter how different we look on the outside, it's what matters on the inside."

"That's right"

Donnie said in agreement wrapping his arm around her shoulder. One of the babies cooed at Kylie placing her baby hands on Kylie's lips as Kylie gently kissed her baby girl's hand.

"I love you"

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