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"Mind telling me what that was all about?"

Leo asked sternly. Jade nervously looked to Leo.

"What makes you think something happened?"

"First off, I can hear your heart beating faster all the way over here. Secondly, you sound nervous"

He said as he walked closer to her.

"I'm going to ask you again, did something happen?"

Jade sadly closed her eyes and nodded slowly.

"He kissed me"

Leonardo's eyes open wide at the response.

"I told him to leave and he didn't"

"Is this true?"

Jade's eyes flew open as she looked up to her boyfriend.

"Are you seriously asking?"

"I mean, Usagi is my best friend, he wouldn't betray me like that"

"And I wouldn't dare lie to you"

"Maybe you turn him on and that's why he didn't want to leave"

Jade glare at him as she placed her hands on her hips.

"How about you ask him, yourself, if you don't believe me"

"I will"

Together Jade and Leonardo went downstairs where everyone was gathering for dinner.

"Usagi, can I speak to you for minute"

Leonardo said to Usagi. The others looked to the two best friends since they sense a uncomfortable vibe. Emery was holding a tray of food and gently nudge Jade with her elbow.

"What's going on?"

"I'll explain later"

She said as she got closer to hear Usagi's response.

"Jade mention that she told you to leave the room and you didn't, is that true?"

Usagi looked to Jade and then back to Leonardo.


"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am certain, she asked me to stay for to help her with her zipper"

Leonardo then looked to Jade who was glaring at Usagi. Leonardo let out a sigh as he looked to Usagi once again.

"Did you kiss her?"

Usagi remained silent for a while, causing Leonardo to get a bit nervous.


Leo said getting his friend's attention. Usagi closed his eyes as he let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry, for doing the most hateful act. I lied and I did kissed her"

"What part did you lie about?"

"She did tell me to leave but I refused. When I said that she wanted me to help her with the zipper, she was already fully dressed and I couldn't help myself but to force her to kiss me"

Leonardo closed his eyes as he lowered his head in disappointment. Usagi placed a hand on his shoulder but Leo moved away.

"You made me almost accused my girlfriend, when really it was you. Why? You're suppose to be my friend, friends don't do this to each other"

Leo asked as he open his eyes glaring at Usagi.

"She really is beautiful, I crossed a line"

"Yes you did"

"I'm sorry for my act of betrayal Leonardo"

"You should leave"

Usagi closed his eyes as he nodded.

"I think it is best. So long Leonardo"

He said as he open the portal to his world and left. Everyone remained quiet as they looked to Leonardo and Jade. Leonardo turn around to face Jade with his head low. Jade looked to him sternly.

"You see. I would never betray you..."

Jade began to say but was cut off as Leonardo embraced her into a tight hug. Jade was surprise and closed her eyes as she return the hug and tears slipping out in the corner of her eyes.

"I'm sorry Jade. Please forgive me for thinking so wrong"

"You're forgiven love"

Jade said as she began to give him butterfly kisses everywhere on his face and planted a passionate kiss on his lips. They soon pulled away panting as everyone else around them clap and whistled.

"Now that the drama had pass, let's eat"

Emery said licking her lips.

"Let's turn up the music"

Summer said with a smirk as she went towards the radio and pressed play.

//This kitten got your tongue tied in knots, I see
Spit it out, cause I'm dying for company
I notice that you got it, you notice that I want it
You know that I can take it to the next level, baby
If you want this good ish, sicker than the remix
Baby, let me blow your mind tonight//

Master Splinter shook his head.

"This is suppose to be a family dinner, not a party"

"It's called a family gathering"

Kylie said as she dance to the music and Donnie was dancing close to her, causing Master Splinter to shake his head again.

//I can't take it, take it, take no more
Never felt like, felt like this before
Come on, get me, get me on the floor
DJ what you, what you waiting for?


Emery was getting the food out of the kitchen with Summer's help.

"Dinner is serve, come and get it while it's hot!"

Summer yelled over the music.

//Watch me move, when I lose, when I lose it hard
Get you off with the touch dancing in the dark
You notice what I'm wearing, I notice when you're staring
You know that I can take it to the next level, baby...//

Jade turn off the music after her dance with Leo. Everyone soon sat on the chair, as the guys helped the girls first to their chairs like a gentlemen.

"So what are we having?"

Donnie asked.

"Pizza, Dumplings, fried chicken, rice, salad and potato fries"

Emery answered with a smile.

"Sounds good"

Jade commented.

"I would have made more, but someone said it will be too much food"

Emery said mockingly to Summer. Summer glared towards Emery.

"There is always tomorrow"

"Sometimes tomorrow isn't a given, I mean who knows what might happen tomorrow, someone probably won't wake up or someone probably doesn't come back home"

"Geez Kylie, what's a matter with you, this is a family dinner not a funeral"

"I know but I'm just saying anything can happen"

Kylie said as she poke her salad.

"Regardless of whatever happens, as long as we stick together"

Leo said grabbing hold of Jade's hand under the table.

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