Its Over 2

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The battle shell came to the stop at the farm house. Donnie and Mikey shook their head as they headed into their home. The girls came out but quickly came to a stop as they saw Kari and got into a fighting stance as their aura glow around their body showing up fire, wind and earth.

"What the fuck is she doing here?"

Summer asked.

"She's not coming inside"

Kylie said angrily.

"Are you insane?"

Emery shouted

"Would all of you just calm down, Karai is one of us"

Leo said trying to reassure everyone.

"We told him it was a bad idea"

Donnie said.

"But he didn't listen"

Mikey said angrily.

"She will be in my room"

Leo said sternly.

"Oh yeah that makes it 10x better, just a few days ago Jade is out and now you have a new one. And where is Raphael?"

Summer said angrily.

"It's not like that"

Leo argued.

"Then she stays out!"

Emery shouted.

"Raph is with Jade"

Mikey answered. Leo growled at them but the girls stood their ground.

"You know fuck this, I'm booking to a hotel"

Summer said as she went inside to pack up her stuff.

"Me too"

Emery said as she went inside. Kylie stood her ground.

"This is my house, I let you all live here but you are bringing someone here that isn't even wanted, then I am kicking you out"

Kylie said sternly.

"Fine, I'll take her to the barn house"

"That is still my property, this land is my property"

"Why are you acting like this?"

He demanded.

"Because she's a murderer"


"She killed Jade's unborn child!"

*With Raph and Jade*

"Remember that time I was panicking at the farm house"


"There was more to it"

She said sadly. They continue to walk towards Jade's new apartment. Jade made some tea for the both of them as she sat across from him.

"I was out shopping for some baby clothes. Karai came inside the store and began to taunt me. She saw that I was holding baby clothes, so she probably figured that I was pregnant with Leo's kid. She got me mad and so we started fighting but I was fighting in defense so I can protect my stomach but she struck me hard causing me to fall to my knees."

Jade shut her eyes as the tears fell. She took a shakey breathe before continuing

"I felt weird in my stomach and before I even had the chance to look, Karai was gone. I felt blood in between my legs and I knew I lost it. I began to break down and I felt lost, I just wanted some air and so I ran and ran. I bump into this man pushing him to the streets of the moving cars, I tried to reach out to him but when I did icicle came out of my hand and struck him in the chest."

She cried. Raph wrap his arm around her shoulder.

"Ssshhhh it's okay"

"How is it going to be okay? I lost my baby, I killed an innocent man and I didn't have time to mourn. Now Leo left me, because I'm not evil like Karai"

"I understand where Leo is coming from"

Jade wipe her tears as she look to Raph.


"Because Karai was the first human who he felt that understand him"

"That's still no excuse"

*Back To The House*

Leo was in shock of what he heard. He slowly turn to face Karai but was surprise to see that she's gone. Leo turn back to face the others as tears finally fell.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"

He fell to his knees as he cried and let out a scream.

"Why didn't she tell me?"

He asked panting.

"How could she"

Summer said walking in front of him.

"You would probably still defend Karai and now she knows where we live. Nice job, fearless"

Summer said taking her suitcase.

"Summer where are you going? Karai is gone"

Emery said.

"I don't care! I am sick of this drama and right now I know Jade needs me"

She said walking away and into the car. Summer soon drove to the city and was able to track Raph's shell phone to a apartment. Summer knocked on the door to reveal Jade in tears.

"Oh Jade"

Summer said as she entered and closed the door behind her as she embraced Jade. Summer looked behind Jade and saw Raphael sitting at the table.

"She told you huh?"

She said. Raphael let out a sigh as he nodded.


Summer slowly pulled away from the embrace.

"Jade how about you go to bed and get some rest. Raph and I will be here over night."

"Thank you"

She said with a sniffle as she made her way to the bedroom. Summer walked up to Raph and sat down on his lap.

"I know why your worried about her"

"She been through so much and Leo doesn't even know"

"Well he does know"


"He brought Karai to the farm house, Kylie didn't want her there. Before we knew it, Karai vanish and Kylie explained to him. He's devastated"

"Serves him right. I just don't want Jade to over think and maybe commit suicide, I also told her your story, but I didn't go into details"

"What did she say?"

"She said she thought about it but she was laughing it off"

Summer shook her head.

"It's just like Jade, trying to cover it up."

Raph nodded his head in agreement.

"Don't worry though, we'll spend a night just to make sure she's okay"

Raph said in reassurance. Summer smiled at him as she kissed him on the lips.

"You are too good to me Raph"

Raph smirks.

"Well I gotta keep my girl happy"

He said as he let his hand traveled to her belly and gently rub her.

"So when were you planning to tell me about this"

Summer blushed.

"How did you..."

"I found the pregnancy test in our bedroom"

Summer smiled as she embraced him tighter.

"We're going to have a baby"

"Yeah, we are"

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