Oh Joy

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Summer was glaring heatedly at the blonde girl across from her as she took a sip of her wine.

"Careful Sum anymore concentration like that you would be burning a hole."

Emery said with a laugh. It was Christmas time and the turtles invited all their friends to join together to celebrate.

"Oh shut up"

Summer said ignoring her friend.

"Just who the hell does she think she is getting close to my Raphie"

"I'm not a snitch or anything but I heard that they became close friends during the time when the guys were with the tribunal and got those magic powers"

Summer looked to Emery with a glare.

"Stay away from the punch bowl"

Summer said walking away from Emery as she made her way to Raph and Joy.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything"

Summer said lowly and huskily to Raph's ear. Raph chuckled.

"Not at all babe"

Summer made a small glance to Joy with a glare as she let her hands travel up and down Raph's plastron. Raph chuckled.

"Were you at the punch bowl?"

"Maybe? Why are you going to punish me?"

She asked. Raph blushed as she said that right in front of Joy.

"Um, I'll be right back"

He said as he pulled Summer with him.

"Hey, what's going on with you?"

"Nothing's wrong, I just want your attention"

"In front of my friend. Look how about you go upstairs and I'll meet you up there"

He said walking away from her. Summer let out a small growl as she saw where Joy walked to the direction where a mistletoe was hang up. Jade walked towards Summer a little tipsy.

"Hey buddy, I think someone put some liquor in the.....um....I forgot what it's called....but it taste soooo good"

Jade said with a wide smile. Summer look to Jade.

"I'll show you what's good"

She said as she stood up on the chair and on top of the table causing all eyes on her as she lift up her blouse and bra. Everyone's mouth drop, Emery and Jade were the only ones laughing as they also lift up their blouse and bra.


Jade yelled as Leonardo quickly came to her rescue and put her blouse down making sure to cover her up.

"Girls gone wild!!"

Emery yelled as Mikey quickly tried to cover her and Raph quickly got on the table and cover Summer up before lifting her up on his shoulder as he carried her to the bedroom. He threw her on the bed as she simply laughs.

"What the hell is a matter with you?!"

Raph yelled angrily.

"You were behaving like a child out there tonight with all our friends in the same room"

"I was just having fun, just like you were with Joy under the mistletoe"

Raph rolled his eyes as he sat on the edge of his bed and buried his face in his hands.

"I didn't kiss Joy under the mistletoe"

Moments Ago...

"That girlfriend of yours is really straight forward in what she wants"

Joy said pushing a few strands behind her ear. Raph smiled.

"She's harmless"

Raph said as his eyes caught something in the air dangling in between them.


He said quietly. Joy smiled.

"It is tradition"

"Yeah but I'm not that kind of turtle"

Joy let out a small sigh.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I even tried"

She said as she looked behind Raph and gasp in shock. Raph frown as he look back and saw Summer standing up on the table showing her boobies.


Summer felt like a fool and cringed as she knew she just flashed everyone. She got up on her knees and crawled to Raph and hugged him from behind.

"I am so sorry"

"Why did you do that in the first place, I mean your buzzed but not that drunk as Jade and Emery"

Summer sadly look down as tears began to build up.

"I...I wanted to distract you, I mean but you just told me to go to bed and I knew I needed to do something crazy in order to get your attention. I'm so sorry, I feel like such a fool"

"Yeah you are"

Raph said lowly as he slowly moved away so he can turn and face Summer and cupped her face with his hand.

"How can you think that I would do something like that to you especially on Christmas Eve"

"I felt insecure"

She said lowly as she avoid his eyes.

"For what? I love you babe and nothing is ever going to change that"

"I know but..."

"But what? Fill me in here"

"What if you meet someone else that looks beautiful?"

"Nothing can compare to you babe not even a rose"

"Oh Raph"

She said softly as the tears finally fell. Raph wiped away the fall in tears and kissed her passionately on the lips.

"I got you a little something"

He said once he pulled away and presented a small wrapped box.

"What is it?"

"Just open it"

Summer opened the gift and gasp as she saw a diamond necklace in shape of an 'R'.

"Raph it's beautiful but how did..."

"I got Casey to look into it for me. Ya like it?"

"I love it"

"Here let me put it on ya"

He said as he stood up. Summet got up in front of Raph and turned around as Raph clip the necklace around her neck. Summer looked to the mirror and smiled.

"It's beautiful, thank you"

She said softly as she closed her eyes as Raph began to trailed kiss up and down her neck. As Summer was about to return the kiss, they heard running on the hallway. They opened the door to reveal Emery running naked as Mikey was chasing after her.

"Look I can do a split on the table!!"

Emery yelled.

"Everyone cover your eyes!!"

Mikey yelled. Summer shook her head as she look to Raph.

"Who put liquor in the punch bowl?"

"It was Mikey"

"I hope he learned his lesson"

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