Mona Lisa

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The months have passed and it became official, Mikey had a girlfriend, along with Raphael, Donatello and Leonardo. They all have gotten along very well and became very close. The girls would watch their boyfriends train and were also living with them in the sewer. Mikey was currently in the living room on the couch with the girls surrounding him as he was holding a photo album showing it the girls.

"Raph was just a baby that hated taking a bath"

Mikey commented causing the girls to laugh at a baby picture of Raph.

"He looks so adorable"

Summer commented looking at the photo.

"Here's another one, Donnie had build his first toy car and was covered in grease but he was a happy turtle that day"

Mikey said with a laugh as he passed the photo. Summer saw a glimpse of a picture and stopped a Mikey from changing the page.

"Wait a second, who is this?"

She asked. Mikey looked at the picture and quickly stopped smiling.

"Oh that one, the one that has a big lizard?"

Summer glare at him slightly.

"Yes the one that has her arm around Raphael and is nuzzling him"

"That's um...."

"We're home!!"

Leonardo yelled as he enter the sewer home with Raph and Donnie behind him.

"Saved by the bell"

Mikey said as he quickly got up from the couch and closed the album.

"What were you girls doing?"

Donnie asked as he wrapped his arm around Kylie's waist.

"Mikey was showing us, some picture albums"

Emery said. Summer walked up to Raph as he peck her on the lips.

"Raph who is this?"

She asked holding the picture up to Raph who looked hesitant.

"Her name was Mona Lisa"

He said with a smile.

"She was just a friend"

"Hmmm in the picture, you both look more than just friends"

"It was a long time ago"

"I doubt it"

She said rolling her eyes.

"What do you want me to say?"

"Are you still with her?"

"No of course not, I'm with you"

"You were with a giant lizard. Ugh please tell me you cleaned your mouth before even kissing me when we first met"

She said moving away from him. Raph let out a small growl as he walked behind Mikey and smack him on the head.


"Thanks a lot Mikey"

Raph said angrily.

*Few Days Later*

"What is it Donnie?"

Leo asked.

"Someone is trying to communicate with us?"

"Can you tell from who?"

"The signal is faint, but I think it's from outer space"

He said typing on the computer. Kylie was walking by when she saw her boyfriend was struggling.

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