Leo's Departure/ Return

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Warning Lemon! Enjoy!

It eventually comes to a point where Leo completely loses his temper and injures Splinter in a training session. Splinter decides he could do no more to help Leo and sends him to seek guidance with the Ancient One in Japan. Leo let out a sad sigh as he bid Master Splinter farewell, even to Raph, Mikey and Donnie. Even to the girls, he made his way to Jade who had her arms crossed over her chest.

"Jade I.."

"Don't forget to kiss Karai goodbye"

Jade said with a heated glare cutting him off. Leo sadly looked down knowing very well he deserve that come back after all the hurt he put her through.

"I don't know when I will return"

He said quietly.

"Good then maybe it will give me some time to pack my stuff"

"Are you breaking up with me?"

"You know something Leo, I don't know what I'm going to do with myself, but one thing that I do know is that I don't deserve to be treated like I'm a nobody or I was in your way"

"I know and...."

"Just go, before you snap at me again"

Leo sadly nodded as he walked towards the exit but stop to take one last look at Jade before leaving.

"Are you really going to leave?"

Kylie asked walking up behind Jade. Jade let out a sad sigh as she saw her boyfriend leave and turn to look at Kylie.

"He hurt me, maybe I need some time to heal"

She said walking away.

*Months Later*

Leo returns to New York from his quest in Japan. Upon arriving at the Turtle's lair, the ninja finds his home destroyed and his family missing. He soon found clues to finding each and everyone. Leonardo leads his brothers, girlfriends and Sensei to an abandoned New York Reservoir pump station to use as a base camp. Leo sadly looked to the girls and saw that Jade was missing.

"Does anyone have any idea where Jade can be? I didn't see any clues of her whereabouts"

He asked. The girls looked to each other and Summer stepped up.

"Jade moved back up to the surface"


He asked in surprise.

"She wanted some time to heal, while you were gone, so she headed back to her old apartment"

Leo nodded in understanding and he sadly looked down. Kylie smiled as she took a step towards Leo.

"Why don't you go talk to her? Tell her you're sorry"

She said gently. Leo look to his brothers and Sensei.

"Go get her bro"

Raph said with a smirk. Leo smirk back as he headed outside to find Jade and to make a small trip to Karai.

*Jade's Home Apartment*

Jade let out a sigh as she dried up her hair with a towel, and was wrapped in a robe after taking a nice hot shower. As she was distracted, she heard a knock on her window. She quickly looked and was surprise to see Leo. She immediately let him in before anyone else sees him.

"What are you doing here?"

She asked walking away from here.

"I'm here for two reasons, one to see if you were okay..."

"Why wouldn't I be okay?"

Leo let out sigh.

"My family was attack"

Jade's eyes open wide in surprise.


"But it's okay now, they're safe now"

"Where are they?"

"At a abandon pump station, it will have to do until we find a new place"

Jade let out a sigh in relief and cross both her arms over her chest.

"What's your second reason?"

"I wanted to talk to you"

Jade made her way to her wall and leaned her back against it.

"Well, I'm listening"

Leo took a step closer to her and leaned his arm above her head as he leaned closer to her as he caress her cheek softly.

"I'm sorry for the way I treated you, the way I spoke to you and kept pushing you away"

Jade stared up into his eyes sadly.

"You really hurt me, I honestly thought I wasn't good enough for you"

"No, I'm not good enough for you. For crying out loud you could have pick any human and yet you chose to stay with me, a mutant turtle"

Jade uncross her arms as she reached out to pull down his mask to stare into his deep blue eyes.

"But you're my turtle"

She said softly as she leaned up and pressed her lips to him. Leo happily moaned as he deepen the kiss and wrap his arms around her waist.

"I really missed you"

Leo said breathlessly. Jade smirk at him as she pushed him towards the bed until he was laying flat on his shell as she stood at the foot of the bed.

"Then you have a lot of making up to do"

She said as she removed the robe. Leo blushed as he immediately dropped down for her as well.

"You want to skip foreplay?"

He asked. Jade nodded.

"All I want is you"

She said as she got on the bed and sat on the waist line of Leo, just right above his cock.

"It's going to hurt, if I don't prepare you"

"Destroy me then"

She said with a seductive look as she grab his cock and led it to her opening and slowly sat down and gently went up before descending all the way down and let out a moan in pain. Leo let out a groan at the tight heat surrounding his cock. A moment past for Jade can adjust before going up and down on his cock. Leo smirk as he grabbed her hips and flipped her over as he change position causing Jade to scream in pleasure as he went faster into her. In the morning, back at the pump station, Leonardo returns with Chinese food for his family. The courageous ninja then presents Master Splinter with a gift from the land of the Ancient One - a mystical walking stick. The Sensei is very pleased with the present, but he is even more happy to have his son home and at peace.

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