Good Genes

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In the Lair as Leatherhead works on a cure for Don, but it looks doubtful that he'll be able to discover it in time as Don's condition is rapidly declining. As Leatherhead works, Splinter reminds everyone that Bishop created the virus, and maybe he can help with a cure. Mikey brings Don some breakfast, but the monstrous turtle grabs his ankle through the food slot!

As the others hurry to Mikey’s aid, Leatherhead hits a button, filling Don’s chamber with tranquilizing gas. Kylie pressed her hand to the glass as she stare into her boyfriend's red glowing eyes.

"We need to do something, please"

She said quietly to the others as she tried to remain strong as tears fall from her eyes. Jade placed a comforting hand on Kylie's shoulder.

"I know their is a cure. He's going to be okay."

Kylie nodded sadly. The Turtles (with Donnie in the containment unit), the girls, Leatherhead and Splinter are flying to Bishop's headquarters at Area 51. The team arrives with no problems. Leo, Mike and Raph infiltrate the base easily while Leatherhead, the girls and Splinter stay with Don. The three turtles enter the base with ease but are soon met by Bishop. It seems he has been expecting them.

Stockman, in his new form, is introduced to the aghast Turtles. With that, Bishop offers to help Don in exchange for something (even though Stockman signals to Bishop that there is no cure). Seeing no alternative, our heroes agree to deal and Donnie is brought inside the base. Once Don is brought in, Baxter's men prepare to transfer him into Stockman’s containment unit - but as usual Baxter's plans go awry and Don escapes. As the group tries to get Monster Don back into containment. Kylie quickly ran in front of Donatello.

"Donnie you have to stop, please!"

Kylie yelled. Donatello stop and looked to Kylie as he gently got on all fours and gave her a sniff before calming down slightly. Bishop then uses an electrical charge to knock him down and then prepares to finish him off.

"No stop!"

Kylie screamed while Summer and Emery tried to pull her back away from the fight. Leatherhead leaps in and knocks him down. LH declares that if anyone is going to capture his friend Donatello, it will be him. With that the two gigantic reptiles begin to wrestle as Leatherhead yells at Leonardo to grab the tranquilizer gun. The two behemoths roll down a hallway and crash through a wall. Leatherhead leaps onto Don's back, but he's tossed into the dissection lab where Bishop had tortured him. Leatherhead begins to have horrifying flashbacks and falls to his knees. Monster Don appears behind him, preparing for attack.

Leo arrives and screams at his mutated brother. Monster Don charges Leo, who is now armed with the tranquilizer gun. As Donatello closes in on his brother, Leo shoots dart after dart into his ailing brother. After being peppered with numerous tranquilizers, Don finally falls into unconsciousness at Leo's feet. Later at Baxter's lab, Don is now secured in Stockman's containment tank. Kylie once again pressed her hand against the glass, staring at Donnie sadly.

"Donnie, if you can hear me, I'm right here okay, and I am not going anywhere"

She promised. Bishop then walked up beside Kylie and looked at the tank.

"The reason why he didn't bother to attack you is because you have his scent, clearly it shows you and the mutant have intimacy"

Kylie looked to Bishop with a glare.

"What of it?"

She asked annoyed by his presence.

"This monster that..."

"My Donnie is not a monster!"

Kylie yelled angrily cutting him off.

"Why would you even bother with this mutant?"

He asked

"Not that you even have the density to care, but it's called love"

"Or are you returning the favor?"

He questioned. Kylie frown at the question.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Correct me if I'm wrong, one day he saved your life and you both fall in love and claim it's love at first sight or maybe it's because you felt like you owed him and he manipulated you to think it's love"

A flashback flash before Kylie's eyes as she remembered how she met Donatello and how they came together up until now. She shook her head from the memory.

'Am I doing this for to return the favor?'

She question herself. Bishop smirk as he saw he got her in a predicament.

"Come on, you're a smart girl, you know this"

"But it's for love"

She said not really convincing herself.

"Are you telling me or convincing me?"

Bishop asked. Kylie turn her attention back to Donatello.

"Even you know his kind is unnatural, he's just a freak accident. You're not gonna stand there tell me that love has no boundary"

Kylie knew Bishop was trying to get into her head but deep down she knew he was right.

"Are you saying I'm blinded by love?"

"I'm saying he made you believe it was love. You probably felt bad for the poor thing. Besides, wouldn't you actually want to have a family of your own, I'm sure you probably figured it out on your own that you can't get pregnant from a mutant monster"

This time Kylie didn't bother to protect Donnie as Bishop called him a monster. Kylie remained quiet.

"I see. I taken your silence as in saying you have a lot to think about"

Kylie then lightly removed her hand away from the glass and moved away from the tank. The Turtles agree to find the item Bishop seeks in return for the cure. Jade made her way to Kylie as she saw Bishop was standing by her.

"Was Bishop telling you anything?"

Jade asked.

"He actually gave me something to think about"

Before Jade can asked, Leonardo came up to them.

"My brothers and I are going to do Bishops dirty work but please keep an eye on our Donnie and stay strong, I know this is hard for you"

He said looking to Kylie.

"It's hard for all of us"

Kylie said. Leonardo smiled slightly and nodded, not knowing for a fact that what Kylie said actually had a double meaning.

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