Usagi's Visit

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Months have passed and the family was able to finally make the old pump station their new home. Not too far of from the city and just isolated enough for privacy. The girls and the guys were out minus Leo who was waiting for a visitor.

"Leonardo, my friend, is good to see you in high spirits again"

Usagi said as he gave Leonardo a slight bow. Leonardo smiled as he return the gesture. Usagi came from his dimension to visit Leonardo and his family.

"I am"

He said with a smile. Splinter smiled as he greeted Usagi.

"Thank you for this surprise visit, Usagi-San, what brings you here"

"I was worried about my dear friend. Since the last time I was here"

"Everything is back to normal, would you care for to stay for dinner?"

Master Splinter asked.

"It would be my pleasure, but I was also thinking of staying here for a few days and I was hoping to join you in your patrols"

"It would be an honor"

Leo said in agreement.

"Very well, please excuse me while I go and enjoy my afternoon show"

Master Splinter said walking away. Leonardo and Usagi made their way to the center of their new home.

"And where are your brothers?"

"They are currently out with the girls"

"Really even Jade?"

"Yes, she been wanting to go shopping for a while now and she manage to drag the others with her"

"But what about you?"

"I wanted to stay and greet you"

"That's very kind of you...."

Usagi said but was cut off as he heard yelling from a distance.

"And that's them"

Leo said as he placed his hands on his hips.

"You might want to scoot back Usagi, they like to make a big entrance"


Usagi said as he stood beside Leo and waited until the yelling got closer and the door slide open. Mikey came yelling as he crashed into the hard cement floor.


Raph came yelling and crashed in top of Mikey, then Emery, Jade, Donatello, Kylie and Summer. They each groan in pain.

"Ow my boobs"

Kylie said in pain.

"Someone better get their hands off my ass!"

Summer yelled.

"Someone get their ass off my face"

Emery yelled

"Someone needs to get on a diet or something"

Jade said.

"Ditto says the turtle in the bottom"

Michaelangelo said in the bottom. The each got off each other and carried their bags.

"Sorry we're late sweetheart"

Jade said as she walked up to Leonardo and gave him a kiss on the lips as he wrap his arm around her waist before turning her attention to the visitor.

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