My Failure, My Fault

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Jade said softly. Leo had his back to her as he face the window looking into the dark night. Jade knew he heard her and decided to continue.

"Everyone is already off to bed, except for you"

She said as she hugged herself as she felt a slight chill.

"It's kind of cold tonight. Why don't we go to bed, I miss your warmth"

Leo remained silent as Jade let out a soft sad sigh but slightly smile as she walked towards him. Following the battle with the Shredder, the turtles and the girls retreated to Casey's farm house to rest. Donnie, Mikey, Raph, and Splinter quickly heal and recover, but Leo, who had developed post-traumatic stress disorder and had part of his shell broken, remains cold and disturbed. Leo blamed himself for his family nearly getting killed during the battle and felt that he let everyone down trying to protect them.

"I can't sleep. You go to bed, I'll keep a look out"

He said quietly.

"Look out for what? We are in the middle of nowhere"

She said trying to reason with him as she wrapped her arms half around his shell since it was bigger and slightly damaged.

"I don't want to fail you again"

"Leo there is a time to lose and a time to win and this is one of those times"

She said looking up at him.

"Let's just go to bed"

She insisted as she tried to untie his mask but he quickly tied it back up.

"Go to bed Jade"

He said coldly. Jade felt her heart almost broke at the way he spoken to her but brushed it off as she smiled.

"You know something, sweetie. I still remember the day you saved my life. It was the best day that I would never forget"

She said with a smile


Jade was walking late at night down the streets of New York. As Jade finished her shift at work, she quickly tried to rush home, since the night wasn't really a safe place.

"What's the hurry baby?"

Said a man stepping out of the shadow from the alley. Jade ignored the man as she continued her way down the path. She felt her heart began to race as she froze in place as two more men block her path.

"What's a matter, cat got your tongue?"

Jade glared at the man, as she turn another path and began to walk a little faster and before she knew it, she was running for her life, screaming.

"Help! Someone please help!!"

She yelled as she turn a corner and ran into an alley. She froze as her face turn pale as she turn around to see four men blocking her path.

"Please no"

She begged as tears began to trail down her face. She quickly shut her eyes as she heard the men's got closer and the next thing she knew she heard something else.

"What the...oof"

She heard punches, groans, and yelling coming from the guys. She peek one eye open and saw the men's running and something quickly moved in the shadow.

"Hey wait"

She said quietly as she opened her eyes and looked into the shadow and saw a figure.

"Thank you"

"No problem ma'am"

Said a deep voice. Even though it was deep, it was gentle at the same time. Jade tilt her head to the side and nervously laugh.

"Well, aren't I gonna see my rescuer?"

She asked.

"I don't think that's a good idea"

"Why do you say that?"

"I'm not exactly what you call 'normal' "

Jade slightly frown.

"I don't care, you rescued me, that shows you have a good heart. My name is Jade, what's yours?"


He said finally after a minute, surprise by her answer. He let out a sigh as he knew the big rejection he was gonna get, once she sees him.

"Okay, I'm going to step out of the shadows, but you have to promise me, you won't scream"

Jade giggled quietly as she nodded.

"I promise"

Leo took a deep breathe before stepping into the light. Jane's eyes open wide as she a giant humanoid turtle standing right in front of her wearing a blue band around his eyes and straps on him as she saw two shape katana on his back or shell.

"You're a turtle"

She said quietly after the shock went away.

"Yes, I am"

A moment of silence passed and Leo was still surprise she hasn't scream.

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

"What is there to be afraid of? You rescued me."

She made an orbit around Leo taking a good look at him before facing him with a smile.

"Out of all the people in New York, you heard me and rescued me. Thank you"

Leo blushed at her words.

End of Flashback

Jade let out a sigh with a smile.

"You didn't fail me then, you can't fail me now. Leo I may not know what's going on in that head of yours but there is nothing to be afraid of, we are here, all of us. You did your best and you tried your hardest, everyone can see that"

She said leaning her head on his shoulder.

"You don't understand, I wasn't good enough to stop the Shredder, for to protect my family"

"You're family knows you tried, Leo. For heaven's sake, they love you, I love you. Why is it that the only person who can't see that is you?"

Leo pulled away and wrap his arm around her waist pulling her close by surprise and pressed his lips against hers before pulling away briefly as he moved his arm away from her.

"Get some rest"

He said quietly as he continued to stare back at the window. Jade sadly made her way towards the stairs and gently touch her lips. The kiss she felt was cold, there was no emotion in it. She let out a sigh as she went up the stairs alone.

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