Run For Your Life

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"Leo, if you save her then it's over"

Jade said angrily in the intercom. Leo growled in frustration before shutting off the intercom.

"We have to help her"


Raph said angrily.

"She done the same thing for us. We are getting her out"

The Turtles join the battle and free Karai. With the odds against him, Bishop runs to the front of the train and disconnects the engine from the cars - leaving his enemies behind.

Hun prepares to attack the Turtles in hopes of gaining even more favor from the Shredder, but Karai kicks him overboard. The ninja then nods and thanks Leonardo for helping her escape, and then she dives off the train as well. Leo notes that at least she thanked them as the train slowly rolls to a halt. Raph is still distraught over losing the Shell Cycle, but Mikey points out that while they may have lost a bike - they have gained a high tech subway car. Don asks Leo if he can keep it, and the leader tells him sure - if he can figure out a way to get it home. The turtles finally arrived home and was greeted with not so much of a welcoming. Donnie smiled as he walked up to Kylie but was surprised when she slapped him. He grabbed his cheek.

"What was that for?"

"You helped save Kari"

She hissed.

"First of all, I had no choice, Leo jumped in, we had to help him."

He reasoned. Kylie knew he got her there, she grunted at him as she walked away from him.


Donnie said chasing after her. Kylie then stopped with her back to him as she began to sob. Donnie frown in confusion at her reaction but nonetheless tried to apologize.

"Look, I'm sorry okay, please don't cry"

Kylie turn to face him, wiping away her tears.

"It's not you, it's the baby that's making me emotional"

She said rubbing her small baby bump. Donnie smiled at her gently as he pulled her in for a hug.

"Regardless, I'm sorry, I should have known better"


She said giving him a peck on the his lips. Raph angrily made his way to the punching bag and began beating it, allowing him to let out his frustration. He soon came to a stop as he felt a hand tap him on his shoulder. He spun around angrily but his anger quickly faded as Summer was happily holding up a motorcycle magazine.

"We can look through the catalog together and buy you a new one"

She suggested.

"Oh Summer"

Raph said with a smile in gratitude as he happily hugged her. They made their way to the kitchen to start looking through the magazine. Mikey went looking for Emery but frown as he couldn't find her anywhere.

"Hey does anyone know where Emery is at?"

"Did you check the dojo?"

Kylie said to Mikey.

"Oh right, thanks Ky"

Mikey said making his way to the dojo as he heard a low argument. He peeked inside and saw Emery slowly moving away from Leonardo and Jade.

"Wow, glad I got out of there"

Emery with a wiping sweat of her brow.

"What were you doing in there?"

Mikey asked.

"Well, when Leo turn off his intercom with Jade, she got so frustrated that she decided to take out her anger in sparring and I lost to the game of rock, paper, scissors, so I was helping her out."

"Ouch. You think Leo might end up on the couch again?"

"You wanna bet?"

She asked with a smirk. Mikey smirk back at her.

"I would but I still owed you from our last bet"

Emery laughs.

"Oh Mikey"

She said as they made their way to the living room to watch TV. While inside the dojo, Leo and Jade were bickering.

"You cut me off, you bastard"

Jade said angrily as she threw her katana to the ground.

"I had no choice"

Leo argued.

"No choice! There's always a choice Leonardo, you should have left her there to die, why did you ever bother to give the time of day"

"Because she would have done the same thing for us"

"For us or for you?"

Leonardo rolled his eyes as he punched the bridge of his nose.

"Jade, please not this again"

"I wouldn't have to bring this up, if you would have just listen to me"

"I'm sorry but I'm not that cold hearted as you"

"You seriously want to go down that road with me. Mr. Cranky who got their butt kick by Shredder"

"That was totally different, it was an emotional timing"

"Bullshit, you're pride was what gotten hurt"

She said turning away from him but Leo quickly grabbed her arm pulling her back to him. Jade was about to start yelling until a pair of lips were planted on her causing her to freeze. Leo held her tighter as he deepen the kiss. Jade rested her hands on his shoulder and soon return the kiss. It was the fact that she knew, no matter what he did, she's still love him. Jade soon pulled away for to catch her breathe as she looked up to Leo lovingly.

"Why do you do this to me?"

She asked lowly.

"We need to protect the people, Jade, even when our enemies are in trouble"

He said as he pressed his beak to her nose. Jade let out a soft sigh.

"I'm sorry, I guess I overreacted when you shut me off"

"I knew you will be mad but it was the right choice"

Jade pressed her lips to Leo once again allowing their tongues to meet and dance together. Leo soon lower her down to the ground as he felt her legs got weak as he hovered over her, never breaking the kiss. Jade was busy moaning with a passion as she ran her hands over Leo's shell, muscle arms and anywhere she can reach.

"No make outs in the dojo!!"

Emery yelled causing Leo and Jade to break apart and looked to each other with a grin as lust can be seen in their eyes.

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