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"Hey has anyone seen Kylie? The girls are starting to get more fussy than I can handle"

Donnie said coming down the stairs with the girls in his arms.

"The last time I saw them, they were upstairs"

Raph said.

"Strange, she's not in any of the rooms and no one's outside"

"Jade isn't here either"

Leo said

"Oh God"

Summer said with a groan. All eyes went to her.

"What is it?"

"It's Jade, she probably got into Kylie's head"

"About what?"

Donnie asked making his way to the couch. Summer and Emery began to explain the conversation they had in the barn.

"Are you serious?"

Leo asked angrily.

"I know I should have said something before"

"Yeah, you should have"

Summer put her head down in shame and Raph angrily looked to Leo.

"Hey don't blame this on my girl, it was your fault you drove her mad"

Donnie was staring into space sadly.

"She's with the Shredder now. I need to go find her"

"No let me try, maybe I can talk sense to her and Jade. Raph's right it was my fault, I'm sorry Summer"

Leo said sincerely. He grabbed up his gear and headed towards the city. It was night time as he was jumping through the rooftop, he stop as he heard a man yelled. He looked to see a group of purple dragons surrounding him. Body tense in eager anticipation of a good fight, Leo grabbed his katana from his back, grinned, and jumped down into action. The fight itself turned out to be disappointing. The Purple Dragons, as tough as they wanted everyone to believe they were, weren't much of a challenge to the ninja turtle. In no time flat, the small group of humans was barely conscious and groaning pathetically on the alley ground. The Suit had already taken off.

"It never fails to amuse me,"

A familiar voice said.

"Someone with your abilities, getting your jollies by knocking some street punks cold. And for what? It's not like that spineless, whimpering fool you saved even stopped to thank you."

Still suffering from unused adrenaline, Leo turned with a growl in time to see the flash of metal; he flipped out of the way barely avoiding the deadly spin of the shuriken that stuck into the stone wall of the building behind him, just about level with where his head had been.

"Not everyone is like you,"

Leo shot back, pointing a thick, accusing finger at his attacker.

"My master taught me morals."

"Is that supposed to be an insult?"

Jade wondered her head tilted slightly as she pondered Leo's words.

"Because it's weak. Just like

She said with a laugh.

"I'll show you weak"

'I shouldn't be worked up over this, but if she's with the enemy. I need to treat her like an enemy, right?'

With a snap of his arm Leo sent one of his katana flying; the sharp metal tip sank into the brick next to Jade like a warm knife into butter. Taking advantage of the distraction, he jumped up and grabbed the bottom rung of the fire escape, swinging himself up to land on the metal with a dull clang. Much to his vexation Jade was no longer there, instead grinning at him from the rooftop above. Leo knew Jade was always fast, moving her body with ability born from intense training just like the other girls had.

"Damn it, quit toying with me Jade"

Leo snarled, angrily yanking his katana from the brick. He leapt up to join the other female on the roof.

"I've been dying to see what you were up to after I learned you became a slave to the Shredder"

"Ooh, quite the ambition,"

Jade smirked.

"Have it your way, then."

Reaching over her shoulders she pulled her katana from their sheaths, blades up in time to block Leo's attack. The muscles in her arms tightened as she used all her strength to hold the turtle back, deadly weapons locked together.

"You're always sexy when you're angry,"

Jade purred.

"Screw you"

"Only if you're lucky."

Leo tensed. With a quick twist of his body, he broke their hold and they both jumped back, eyeing each other for the next move. The flirtation was nothing new. It had been one of Jade's tactics to distract him, but this time Leo means business.

"Why are you doing this?"

He asked as he put his katana away for they can finally talk. Jade smirk then became a thin line as she glared at him. Leo made his way closer to her as she put her katana away.

"Jade don't you do this. That man can do everything in his power to try and break you but you're strong. You can find strength and passion for life you never had before. Why would you turn back? Why?"

Jade remained silent.

"You can't answer me can you? Well I know the answer because I was just like you. Every time things would go good I would always find a way to mess it up. I would sabotage just like you're doing. But Jade I learned that i do deserve to have good things and a good life and I deserve to be with YOU. Jade look at me."

Jade turn her eyes back to Leo.

"You're a good woman and you deserve me. You want out of that life, I know you do. The only reason you're going back to it is you are still afraid. I'm right here. Jade I love you. But I need you to trust me."

"...I'm sorry Leo, but you don't even understand"

She said as she was about to walk away.


Leo began to say and Jade turn back to him angrily.

"What? Don't what? What, Leo? What? What do you want from me? What am I supposed to say? Let's be friends? Is that what you want?"

"Yea. Yes"

Jade shook her head as she laughs.

"You don't get it do you? See when you really love someone you can't just be their friend"

"I don't want to lose you"

"And I don't want just half of you"

Jade said sadly as she ran off leaving Leo behind.

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