Sick To My Stomach

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"Don't you think I felt this way too?!"

Donnie argued.

"If you did then why didn't you say anything to stop this?"

Kylie argued back. Since the turtles arrived home, Leatherhead left back to his home while the turtles were stuck listening to Donnie and Kylie's argument.

"Because for once in my life I was happy"

Donnie said. Kylie frown at his response as he continued.

"But I didn't want to jeopardize that. I had everything I always wanted that I thought would be impossible to have"

Kylie let out a sigh in frustration.

"This thing between us isn't right"

Kylie argued.

"I don't care!"

Donnie shouted as he threw the remote control that was close to him across the living room. Donnie panted as he walked up towards Kylie and gently grabbed her hand.

"I love you"

He spoke gently as he tried to calm down.

"And because I love you, I would do anything to make you happy. So tell me what do you want to do?"

He asked.

"I'm leaving you, I want to live a normal life"

Kylie said without any hesitation as she pulled her hand away from his as she walked away and headed to their bedroom. Donnie remained frozen as he let out a sigh with a few tears threatening to fall. Jade shook her head as she walked up to Donatello.

"Donnie aren't you going to stop her?"

"I'm letting her go"

"Why? Fight for her"

"I'm not gonna do that. I made a promise to her when we first got together that I would do anything to make her happy and if she's not happy with me then I have to let her go so she can be happy"

Donnie said sadly as he walked away and headed to his lab to work on his projects.

*Few Weeks Later*

"Why is it that every time you girls come over, we always have the same conversation?"

Kylie said annoyed.

"Because Ky this whole thing is mess up and you know it"

Summer said sitting across from Kylie. It's been a few weeks since Donnie and Kylie break up. Donnie became a mess and Kylie is trying to live her life normal but it was impossible since the girls always brought up the same conversation.

"Donnie misses you, dearly"

Emery said. Kylie let out a sigh.

"Look I am fine just without him. Come on the idea of being with a turtle is sickening."

Jade rolled her eyes.

"If I may, I think I speak for everyone here when I say who cares. Sure we know on the outside they look like turtles but deep down inside they are humans just like everyone else. Others may see them as monsters, but we don't"

Jade said standing up from her seat. Kylie frown in thought as she remember the time she called Donnie a freak and the way his face crestfallen. Jade made her way to the door, along with Emery. Summer made her way to the door and stop and turn to face Kylie who remained in her seat.

"How's your dating life going?"


"Isn't it better than being with a ninja?"

"Look my dating life may not be perfect but it's normal besides I been feeling kind of sick lately"

"You already started having sex with the guys you are dating?"

Summer asked with a raised eyebrow. Kylie rolled her eyes.

"Please I'm a lady not a tramp. Donnie was the only one I had sex with"

"Maybe Donnie got you pregnant"

Summer joked. Kylie scoffs.

"Oh please, it's entirely impossible"

"You'll never know"

She said with a smirk as she left closing the door behind her. Kylie frown as she looked down to her stomach and placed her hand on it.

"Impossible, right"

*Next Day*

Kylie let out a sigh in frustration as she stood standing in the pharmacy aile of the pregnancy test.

'Why am I even considering this? It's impossible, but I know I'm feeling the same symptoms as a pregnant women and Donnie was the only one I had sex with.'

She thought to herself.

"Okay, relax, I'm just only going to take three and that's it"

She said as she grabbed three pregnancy tests. As she took them to the counter, the cashier saw the products and shook his head.


He said lowly with a smug but loud enough for Kylie to hear him. She quickly paid the man and snatch her bag with a glare at him. Kylie quickly went back home to her apartment.

"Here I go"

She said to herself as she took three of the pregnancy test with her into the bathroom. Once Kylie was done, she sat on top of the toilet and waited patiently for the results in 15 minutes. The phone beep letting her know that time was up. Kylie let out a sigh as she looked at the pregnancy test.

*At The Lair*

The guys were just returning from their patrol. The girls happily greeted their boyfriends.

"How was patrol?"

Emery asked Mikey as she embraced him before giving him a kiss.

"Same-o, same-o"

Summer looked to Donnie who was heading to his lab.

"Hey Donnie!"

Summer yelled. Donnie stop to look back.


"You have a visitor, waiting for you in your bedroom"

Donatello frown with a raised eyebrow.

"Who is it?"

"Go find out for yourself"

She said before getting distracted from Raph who began to nibble at the side of her neck. Donnie shook his head as he headed to his bedroom. He opened the door and closed it and stop in the middle of the room as he saw Kylie sitting on his bed.

"Kylie, what are you doing here?"

He asked in surprise. Kylie stood up.

"We have a lot to talk about"

"About what?"

"I'm pregnant"

Donnie mouth drop at the news before shaking his head.

"It's impossible"

He said.

"That's what I thought too"

"And you think it's mine?"

"It has to be, you're the only one I had sex with"

"Yeah after weeks later, this comes up"

"I don't know what to tell you"

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