I Love You So

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"Jade this whole time you been hurting since the beginning, even when you forgave Leo you continue to hurt. You weren't the same"

Summer said quietly.

"It's because of her!!"

Jade yelled as she pointed to Karai still frozen in the ice.

"He choose her over me, he saved her life instead of mine. That proves he loves her, I was just standing in his way"

"That's not true, Jade"

Leo said gently. Jade looked to Leo.

"I was being stupid and reckless with your feelings. I didn't mean for things to go this far, I should have taken care of you. But when I saved Karai is because I knew you could handle yourself in any situation, of Karai was tied up you weren't"

"That doesn't mean anything"

Jade hissed angrily.

"Now Kylie do it, get it over with"

Shredder ordered.

"Ky, I don't want our babies to die and I don't want to raise them alone"

Donnie said softly. Kylie felt her body began to shake.

"Kylie kill the turtle already!"

Shredder yelled. Kylie remained in place hesitating on what to do.

"You are even weaker than I thought. This is a mercy killing. Get out of my way!"

He yelled as he made his way to Donnie and raised his hand to claw at him.


Kylie yelled blocking the Shredder's attack. She raised her hands causing wind to blow towards the Shredder, causing him to fly towards the wall slamming against it. Donnie raised his head and was soon wrapped around into Kylie's embrace as she cried.

"Donnie, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"

She cried. The Shredder groan as he stood up.

"Tear this place to shreds"

He ordered to his foot ninjas. The foot began to light the building in flame. The others gasp as the building quickly lit up in flame.

"I can control it"

Summer said but Raph was quickly by her side.

"Not a chance, I don't want you using your powers while our baby is inside you."

Jade looked at both of them.

"Go, I can manage. Get out, all of you"

She said as she began to freeze the building from the inside but the fire was too strong. Donnie and Kylie ran together towards an exit. Mikey quickly lifted Emery in his arms and ran. Raph held on to Summer as they hurried to the exit.

"Help! Someone help me!!"

Karai yelled as she was still frozen in the ice. Jade looked back and saw Leo was standing behind her.

"Just take her and go"

"What about you?"

"Just go!"

She yelled as she released Karai as she quickly wrapped up her missing hand. They quickly ran out together leaving Jade behind. Everyone soon gathered outside panting for some fresh air.

"Wait, where's Jade?"

Summer asked fearfully.

"She still inside"

Karai said.

"And you left her behind!"

Summer yelled as she try to go back to the burning building but Raph held her back.

"No! Stop! She's my friend!! Jade!!!!"

Summer yelled. The building soon was collapsing until it was burned into dust. As the fire died down, the turtles went to investigate for any sign of Jade.

"Over there"

Leo said as he moved a few pieces of burn wood and saw Jade laying on the floor surrounded by a puddle of water.


Leo said softly as he lift her up bridal style and took her towards the battle shell and began to proceed CPR on her.

"Everyone stand back, I need some space"

Leo ordered as he pump her chest three time before giving her mouth to mouth, he repeatedly three more times until Jade finally gasp for air coughing. Jade opened her eyes looking to everyone tiredly.

"I'm sorry everyone, I'm so sorry"

She said before closing her eyes. The group smiled in relief, the ride back home was quite. Leo carried Jade up to her bedroom, for she can rest. Donnie took Kylie to see the babies that were crying in tears.

"Ooohhh my baby, it's okay"

She said as she hold all three in her arms.

"It's okay, Mommy's here to stay. I promise I'm never leaving you girls alone again"

She said as she cried softly hugging them. Donnie smiled as he hugged all his girls. After the baby turtles calm down, they were then fed, took a bath and were off to sleep. Kylie and Donnie remained in the room so they can talk.

"Donnie, I honestly don't know what I was thinking. You could have been killed"

She said holding Donnie's hand.

"I would do it again, putting my life on the line for you and the babies"

Donnie said as he caress her cheek with his hand.

I knew you weren't going to hurt me"

"How did you know?"

"Because you love me and like you said the only reason you join Shredder was for to protect me and our kids"

"Donnie I really don't deserve you"

She said leaning her forehead against his.

"Of course you, you deserve so much for"

He said pressing his lips to hers.

"Come on, let's get to bed"


Donnie and Kylie were soon cuddling under the covers.

"Do you think Leo and Jade will be able to stand together after this?"

Kylie asked.

"Only time will tell"

Donnie said as he closed his eyes. In the next floor, Jade rubbed her head as she sat up slowly.

"Careful, you been through a lot"

Said a voice. Jade looked and saw Leo standing there beside her.

"Oh, it's you"

"Wants some water?"

Jade nodded as she accepted the glass of water.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like a bus ran over me"

She said looking down at the bedsheets.

"Leo, I'm sorry for everything that I caused you. I caused problems when their shouldn't even be a problem"

"No, Jade you have nothing to be sorry about"

"Yes I do"

"No you don't. I was the one that betrayed you remember"

"I think it's best we just stay as friends"

Leo let out a sad sigh.

"Yeah I think it would be best too"

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