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Warning Lemon! Enjoy!


Kylie yelled happily running to her boyfriend as she happily threw her arms around his neck.

"Easy Kylie"

Donnie said with a smile. Kylie smiled as she kissed him lightly on the lips.

"Leo called and told us what happened, are you okay? Do you need to sit down?"

She immediately asked in concern.

"I think he just needs to rest"

Mikey suggested. Donnie shook his head.

"Not until all the security cameras are set up. I wouldn't want any mutant bugs coming into this place"

Kylie sigh in concern and Donnie smiled as he kissed her.

"Don't worry babe, I'm fine, really"

He reassured.

"Seriously Don, you should rest, you were stung in the leg by one of the worker mutant's grotesque arms."

Mikey said in concern. Donnie was about to respond when his computer dings, letting him know that it has finished the calculations that he had programmed. Donatello examines the report and figures out exactly what the problem is - the ooze from Bishop's fake aliens is mutating creatures in the sewers at an alarming rate.

"This is worse than we thought"

He said worriedly. Everyone was quiet on what to do.

"Listen up, I'll come up with a plan but until then everyone is resting until tomorrow morning"

Everyone quietly agreed and went there own way. Donnie remained at the computers and started typing away. It was already late and Kylie knew it was pointless to try and get Don to bed, so instead she decided to stay up with him, while everyone else sleeps.

"Hey, I brought your coffee, it's your favorite"

Kylie said with a smile. Donnie look to her and smiled in gratitude.

"Thank you, babe"

"Are you still programming the security cameras?"

She asked as she leaned close to the computer as Donnie leaned back and had a very good view of her shirt rising up, showing off her waistline.

"Yeah I am"

He said quietly as he ran his three finger hand to her waist. Kylie bit her lip lightly as she sat on his uninjured thigh. She leaned her back against his resting on his chest.

"Donnie, I was thinking if you can help me with something"

She said playfully. Donnie caught the playful hint and decided to play along, since he could use the break.

"What is it?"

"I have an itch that I just can't seem to scratch"

"Maybe I can help you with that"

"Would you mind if we take this to the bedroom?"

She asked standing up and grabbing hold of Donnie hand.

"Not at all, Princess"

Donnie said as he followed her to their shared bedroom. Once they got inside, Donnie got behind Kylie and gently began to scratch her back gently before placing a soft kiss at the back of her neck. Kylie let out a sigh as she pulled away.

"This isn't going to work"

Donnie raised an eyebrow in slight disappointment. Until he saw, Kylie remove her shirt, revealing herself in a black lingerie bra. She lowered her eyes at him.

"Mind unhooking me?"

She asked seductively. Donnie shook his head and close his mouth as he felt his lips got dried. He walked closer to her and unhook her bra as she let out a sigh in content.

"Much better"

Donnie grinned as he gently scratched her back and kissed her on the shoulder before lightly biting on her.

"Is this a new bra?"

Kylie had her eyes close and nodded with a smile.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it"

He said as he ran his hands to her front before gently grabbing her breasts giving it a good squeeze. Kylie let out a moan, as she open her eyes and turn around causing to Donnie to stop.

"Now it's my turn"

Donnie knew very well what she meant and laid down flat on bed. Kylie removed the rest of her clothing as Donnie enjoyed the show allowing him to reveal his wiggling tail and his cock to drop down. Kylie licked her lips as she got into bed and gently stroke his cock from the tip to the shaft with just a single finger.

"You're much bigger and thicker"

Donnie blushed as he pulled down his mask to reveal chocolate brown eyes.

"You always have something to say about it"

"Because it still amazes me"

Donnie smiled at her as he leaned up to kiss her passionately as she pick up the pace on stroking him. He then pulled away, panting heavily at the sensation as he close his eyes. Kylie smirk as she leaned lower to face his cock and gently began to lick the tip causing Donnie to groan. After Kylie's fun, she got on top of him. Donnie looked to Kylie and stroke her cheek lovingly.

"I love you Kylie"

"I love you too Donatello"

She said as she lowered herself on his cock.

"Ah....mmmmm aaaahhh!"

Kylie cried as she went on the way down. Donnie quickly tried to hush her and began to say soothing words for she can relax. After a while, Kylie just remain sitting on his enjoying the feeling of him inside her. Donnie was enjoying the tight heat surrounding him, as he pulled up his legs for Kylie can rest her back against his thighs.

"I never want this feeling to end"

Donnie said looking up at her. Kylie smiled down at him.

"And it never will"

She said as she lift herself up and down on his cock, gently. Donnie moaned as he moved his hands to her hips, helping her to go a bit faster. Kylie realized she was going to slow for his taste and smirk as she placed her hands on his chest and started going faster up and slamming down to his cock. Donnie would thrust up to meet her causing a wonderful sensation to spread through Kylie's body. After a while, Donnie and Kylie were panting in bed, while he was still inside her.

"That was amazing"

Donnie said with one arm underneath his head.

"Yeah, it is"

Kylie said quietly as she kissed the top of Donnie's chest. Donnie felt there was something wrong and gently pulled out.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just I'm worried about your injured leg"

"Don't worry, it's just a cut, how bad can it get"

Donnie said with a reassuring smile.

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