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"What's with the get up?"

Summer asked standing by the door to Michelangelo and Emery's room.

"Just decided a new change?"

Emery said as she straighten out her now black dyed hair.

"Yeah a change or a phase?"

"Do you think Michaelangelo will love it?"

Emery asked to Summer ignoring her earlier question. Summer frown at her as she looked to Emery.

"Well, you don't look like you"


Emery said with a smile as she applied make up to her face. Summer raised an eyebrow.

"Wow, Em, what's going on? You never used make up before"

"A little change never hurt anyone"

Emery replied with a smile. As she got up from the mirror and walked to her shopping bags.

"Look, I got some new outfits"

"New Outfits?"

Emery held up the kimono outfits. Summer shook her head.

"You don't even like those outfits"

"Well, I just need to adjust to some changes"

Emery said to herself.

"Whatever, I'm out. The guys will be coming back soon from patrol"

Summer said as she closed the door.

'There is something definitely wrong'

She thought. A few minutes later, the guys arrived from their nightly patrol. Emery was standing by the entrance with a smile on her face as she waited for Michelangelo to come in. As Michelangelo saw Emery he froze as he saw her hair had change, along with her eye color new contacts, and her outfit looked way too familiar.

"Emery? Are we role playing?"

He asked scratching the top of his head. Emery giggled as she gave a small bow.

"Welcome home love, I thought you would like the new change"

"I do, it's just it doesn't look like you"

He said quietly.

"That's what I was trying to tell her"

Summer said as she walked towards them with Raph hugging her from behind. Emery rolled her eyes at Summer and smiled to her boyfriend.

*Few Days Later*

Emery was still wearing her new kimono and her new eye color contact. She was currently in the dojo training herself with a katana with Master Splinter's assistance. Michelangelo was standing by the door way of the dojo when Leo walked up beside him as well as Donnie and Raph.

"Mikey is everything okay?"

Leo asked. Mikey shook his head.

"I don't get it, I can't put my finger on it but Emery is changing to someone else"

"Like someone from the past"

Raph said


Donnie said. Michaelangelo's eyes open wide as he turn towards his brothers.

"Are you serious?"

He asked.

"Obviously, the clues are there Mikey"

Donnie said.

"But then how would Emery know about Mitsu..."

He said trailing off as it finally click to him.

'Oh no'

He thought as he quickly ran up the stairs and into his room. He quickly went to his closet and reached up on the top shelf for a small chest. He examined it and saw the lock was picked on.

"Oh Em"

He said quietly as he sadly opened it and saw his secret journal has already been opened. He slowly made his way towards the others holding the journal in his arm.

"What's that?"

Raph asked.

"It a journal that I kept after our adventure in the past. I wrote about Mitsu. I think I know what Emery is trying to do"

"Good luck Mikey"

Leo said as he left to go do some reading. Donnie left to go check on the battle shell and Raph left to go look at a magazine for a new bike. Mikey let out a sigh as he enter the dojo. Master Splinter left to leave Emery on her own to practice what she learn. Emery was swing the sword when Mikey entered.


Mikey said getting his girlfriend's attention. She turn around with a smile but her smile soon disappear as she saw the journal in his hands. She sadly looked towards the ground.

"I know that you know about Mitsu which is probably why you decided to make yourself look like her but I just don't understand why? I like you just the way you are, why did you have to change yourself?"

He asked. Emery sadly looked to Mikey with tears threatening to fall as she let out a small sniffling.

"Because we never had problems like anyone else so I thought if I can change into the girl that you had your first hard crush on then we would continue to never have a problem in our relationship"

"But Emery, Mitsu is my past and will continue to stay in my past but your my future and my present"

"But the way you talked about her and plus you almost stayed there in the past because of her"

"Because I was still young and naive but now I'm not"

"Yes you are!!"

Raph yelled outside the dojo.

"Not the time Raph!!"

Mikey yelled back as he turn his attention back to Emery who was wiping her tears.

"Mitsu was a long time ago and I don't want you to change yourself because of her"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure, I love you for you Emery"

"And I love you too Mikey"

"Good now no more tears, so how about you change out of that kimono and into something more comfortable"

Emery giggled.

"Thank goodness, I hate wearing Kimono, it's totally not my thing"

"I can tell"

Mikey joked.

"So how about a movie tonight?"

He asked.


"No I was thinking at a drive threw"

"It's a date"

She said walking away but stopped as she felt a hand pulled her back. She found herself in Mikey's arms and smiled as she leaned up and kissed him passionately on the lips. Mikey soon pulled away as a question came to him.

"Oh by the way, how did you come across the chest?"

Mikey asked. Emery soon blushed as she gently scratched the back of her head.

"Actually, I was trying to find my backpack"

"Did you ever found it?"

"Yeah, it turned out to be behind the door"

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