Ice Fire Wind Earth

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The next morning as the girls woken up, the guys immediately explained to them what happen.

"You're joking right?"

Emery said.

"Summer, show them"

Raph said. Summer stepped out of the water and her body was quickly engulfed with fire. Sje quickly dipped back inside the tub of water. The girls gasp in shock.

"So you're saying, we might have an ability as well?"

Kylie asked as the wind picked up higher causing a whirl around Kylie. The ground began to shake as rocks were levitating surrounding Emery. Jade took a step back from the group in fear but the fear caused every step she took to turn ice. Jade scream in surprise as the ice came from her hands creating a light blue aura around her body as everything around her began to freeze.

"Help me!!"

She yelled. Just then her eyes rolled back as she fell unconscious as Leo stand behind her. The others look to Leo in surprise.

"She was panicking, she's okay if she's asleep"

He explained.

"Ladies meditate now, forget your fear and concentrate"

Master Splinter said at the entrance of the barn. Kylie and Emery nodded as they sat criss cross and focus on meditation. After a while, the wind and the ground soon calmed down. Summer looked to them in surprise and then to Master Splinter.

"How did you know that was gonna work?"

"The powers gets out of control when they don't focus"

"Can you help me?"

"Of course, come"

He said. Summer blushed as she looked to the guys.

"I'm gonna need some clothes that don't burn."

"I got just the thing for you"

Donnie said.

*Few Weeks Later*

"Stay back"

Jade said in fear as the walls became hard ice. Raph and Leo looked to each other.

"We just want to show you something"

Jade slowly followed them as they led her to the dojo and saw Summer sitting in the center surrounded by candle sticks.


Master Splinter said. Summer opened her eyes as they were purely white and one by one the candlestick was lit up. She then stood up and moved her hands around her as she lift the flames creating a giant fire ball and slowly demolished it in thin air.

"H-how was she able to do that?"

"Meditation. It can help you control your ability"

Leo said gently.

"Even Emery and Kylie were able to control it. Emery is flying on a giant rock and Kylie can control the wind"

Raph said. Jade closed her eyes as she nodded.

"I been running way from this for a while now"

She said as she stepped into the dojo and sat down and began to meditate. Summer stop what she was doing and looked to her side and smiled as she saw Jade.

'About time'

She thought as she saw the ice underneath her began to surround her in a big circle before enclosing her inside. Leo began to panic and took a step forward but Master Splinter raised his hand to stop him.

"The same thing happen to Emery, Kylie and Summer. Her ability is being focus"

He explained. Summer happily walked up to Raph and hugged him.

"I finally manage how to use it and plus I can grab things without it catching on fire unless I want it to"

Summer explain. Raph happily kissed her.

"I'm proud of you babe"

"Let's see what the others are up to"

She said as they headed outside to see Mikey screaming in joy as he was riding on the rock surfing up in the air along with Emery as the rocks levitated. Raph looked to see what Kylie and Donnie were doing and saw Kylie lifting up a tractor with just the wind.

"Okay now settle it down over there"

Donnie instructed. Kylie nodded as she did what she was told. Raph walked up to them.

"Hey what are you love birds up to?"

He asked.

"Just moving the old tractor, I'm take it apart and see what else from it is useful"

"Where are the babies?"

Summer asked.

"April wanted to take the babies out to the park"

Kylie answered.

"That's sweet. Hey Kylie, you want to see what I been working on?"


Summer's eyes turn white as she smiled and lift up her hands in the air creating a fireball. Unfortunately Mikey was heading straight towards.

"Oh no, too hot, too hot aaahhh!!!"

Mikey shouted. Emery quickly saw it and moved the rock that Mikey was on to dodge the giant fireball.

"Sorry about that"

Summer said as she demolish the fire in thin air.

"You know what would be amazing"

Donnie said.


Mikey asked as he and Emery made their way to the group.

"Fire can honestly go with everything. Kylie can make a tornado and Summer can light it up, creating a fire tornado. Plus with Emery's rocks and the fire, it can create....."

"Okay, no more. You will be giving them some bad ideas"

Raph said cutting Donnie off.

"Well it's a good thing, we're in the good side then"

Emery said with a bright smile.

"And thanks Donnie for creating the new suite for us"

Summer said with a smile.

"Don't mention it, we didn't want you girls walking around naked everytime"

Donnie said with a blush as she Kylie wrap her arms around his neck as she kiss him on the cheek.

"Oh, Kylie have you tried flying yet?"

Emery asked. Kylie smiled as she nodded.

"Oh yeah definitely, watch"

She said as she moved away from the group and creating strong winds to come out of her hands as she open her hands towards the ground, causing her to rise of from the ground and up into the air.


Emery said excitedly.

"This can really tense up in our training"

Raph said.

"It would"

Donnie said in agreement.

"Then let's get started"

Kylie said as she threw wind towards Raph who began to jump on each whirl wind until he was up in the sky and Emery threw a rock towards Raph who dodge and broke it apart as he lands safely on the ground.

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