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Donnie and Kylie were happily inside the home taking care of their newborns while the others were outside doing their own thing. Mikey and Emery were in the barn house doing who knows what. Jade was inside her bedroom since she wasn't feeling to well. Leo and Raph were outside training with Master Splinter while Summer happily watch on the side.

*In The House*

Jade finally came out of her room walking down the stairs to the living room where Donnie and Kylie were putting clothes on the babies.

"Hey sleepy head"

Kylie said to Jade who was fixing up her hair.

"Are you feeling any better Jade?"

Donnie asked.

"The nausea calm down a little, I think"

"You think it's the flu?"

Kylie asked.

"I doubt it, I don't even have a fever"

Jade said as she made her way to the kitchen to look for something to eat but decided to settle for some water. Kylie thought for a minute before an idea came up, she looked to Donnie.

"Sweetie, you think you can take the girls out for a little"

Donnie frown and then looked to Jade and notice that she was signaling him for to have a privacy talk with Jade.

"Sure just give me a minute. I need to bring the crib outside"

After Donnie and the girls went out, Kylie headed to her bedroom and grab a few items and went to the kitchen where Jade was sitting and put the items in front of her. Jade looked at the items and immediately blushed as she looked to Kylie.

"You can't be serious?"

"As a heart attack"

"Kylie no"

She said as she stood up from her seat.

"Just to be certain, there's no harm in that. Besides if it's nothing then I won't bring it up again. Please Jade"

Jade let out a sigh as she grabbed the three pregnancy test.


She said as she headed to the bathroom while Kylie waited outside. 15 minutes have passed and Kylie heard her name from the bathroom. She opened the door slightly and saw Jade sitting on the edge of the bathtub with unshed tears threatening to fall.

"Please tell me, what do you see?"

She asked shakily. Kylie closed the door behind her as she walked to the counter and checked all three that read the same thing.

"You're positive"

Kylie said with a smile as she sat on the edge of the tub and brought Jade into a hug.

"Congratulation Jade"

She said embracing her friend tightly.

"I have to go tell Leo"

Jade said as she pulled away from the hug and stood up as she made her way out of the bathroom and out of the house.

"Where are they?"

She asked herself as she made her way behind the house and saw Master Splinter.

"Have you seen Leo?"

"He's on the roof with Raphael meditating"

Jade smiled as she quickly grabbed a ladder and climbed up to the top.

"Leo! Leo!!"

Jade yelled trying to break his concentration. Leo remained focus and silent as he continued to concentrate.

"Leo! I'm pregnant!!"

She yelled but because of her movement it causing to the ladder to be pushed away from the house. Summer gasp as she got up from her seat and ran towards Jade.

"Jade! Look out!"

She yelled

'Oh, no'

She thought as she was about to scream as she fell back she quickly embrace herself from the harsh impact but was surprise she landed in a pair of arms holding her bridal style. She opened her eyes and saw Leo holding her.


She said breathlessly as she embraced him. Leo set her down.

"You said you're pregnant?"

He asked just as Raph landed on his feet from the roof and Master Splinter walked up to them.

"I am, Kylie just confirm it"

Leo smiled as he embraced Jade tight.

"We're going to have a baby!"

He shouted happily. Everyone soon gathered around the group.

"What's going on?"

Mikey asked as he and Emery walked out of the barn house.

"Jade's pregnant"

He announced once again happily. The brothers and the girls happily congratulated Leo and Jade. Kylie smiled as she nudge Jade.

"And you didn't even want to check"

Jade smiled sheepishly. Summer happily smiled at the news and sadly thought about her and Raph's relationship.

'I want a baby'

She thought as she slowly move away from the group. Raph notice there was someone missing and made a quickly look around and notice his girlfriend was no longer there. He looked away from the group and saw Summer walking slowly towards up the hills. He made his way to her.

"Summer, you okay?"

He asked. Summer stop walking and turn around to face Raph sadly.

"I want a baby. I feel like I'm missing out"

Raph let out a sigh as he scratched the back of his head.

"Summer, I know you do and we been trying"

"But what if I can't get pregnant. We been trying for months now"

"Then we can keep trying"

He said as he embraced her.


"Don't think that way, if it happens then it will happen"

He said in reassurance. Summer sadly return the hug.

"I want us to have a family"

Summer said lowly.

"And we will, we'll keep trying. I promise"

Raph said as he pushed her away just enough so he can capture her lips into a passionate kiss. The couple were soon interrupted as the family called out to them for a dinner celebration.

"Where did you both love birds ran off to?"

Mikey asked with a grin.

"We were having a private conversation, knucklehead"

Raph said. Summer walked up to Jade with a smile and gave her a hug.

"I can't get over the fact that you're next to have a baby in the bun"

Summer said excitedly.

"I was surprise to but it was actually Kylie who suggested for me to check"

Jade said.

"I told you so"

Kylie said with a grin.

"So what should we make for this special occasion?"

Emery asked.

"How about Chinese?"

Mikey asked.

"Sounds good"

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