Shredder's New Pet

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A few weeks have passed and Jade haven't left her apartment. Summer and Raph were able to find a apartment close by Jade just for to keep an eye on her. Until one night, Jade was sitting on her bed with lamp on.

"That's it. I made up my mind. I'm doing this tonight"

She said to herself as she put on her outfit that Donnie made especially for her abilities. She snuck out through her window and headed towards up the roof. She started to run over the roof top until she came to place that is recognized as the Purple Dragons hideout. Jade quietly was able to manage opening up the window and jumping down from the ceiling. Landing gracefully she followed the sound of the purple dragons cheering. She peeked out of the shadow to see a ring surrounded by a giant cage and the purple dragons were on the crowd cheering on two people fighting on the ring.

"Typical dragons"

She thought as she stepped fully out of the shadow. She made her way through the crowd, causing the cheering and the fight to slow down as they recognize her. Hun made his way to her.

"Hey! Aren't you that freak's girlfriend?"

"Do you know where Shredder is located?"

She asked ignoring his earlier question.

"Who wants to know?"


"What for?"

"It's business"

Hun smirk as he looked to Jade up and down as he walked around her.

"The last I heard about you was that you and your friends were dumped in a toxic waste"

"Well I am here and I'm alive. Now I want to see the Shredder"

"Oh you'll see him alright but first can you pass the test"

He said backing away as all the purple dragon surrounded her laughing as they crack their knuckles. Jade scoffs.

"Easy as pie"

She said. Just then a guy with pipe behind Jade ran towards her but she quickly kicked him hard in the face breaking his nose as she jumped into the air and wave her hands towards the crowd as she freeze each and everyone except Hun. Hun stood in shock while Jade jump back down with a smirk.

"Again, I want to see the Shredder"

She ordered. Hun nodded in agreement after he was over his shock. Hun drove Jade to another building that had the foot symbol.

"Right this way"

Hun said as Jade followed behind him. Jade stop for a second to look at the foot symbol and frown in thought.

'Am I really doing this out of spite?.......No I'm doing to avenge my baby and for those who hurt me'

She thought as she continued to follow Hun.

"Master, I bring you a guest"

Hun said with a bow to a man in a white Japanese robe. The man looked to Jade sternly.

"Who is this?"

"She's one of the turtles..."

"I can speak for myself, fatso"

Jade said cutting Hun off as she walked closer to the man.

"Oroku Saki"

She said with a bow.

"It's an honor meeting you face to face"

"Who are you and why are you here?"

He asked as he turn his back to her.

"You know who I am, after all you did capture me and my friends dumping us into the toxic waste"

"I see and why is it that you are here"

He asked turning back to her.

"To thank you"

"For what?"

"Because of the nuclear waste, I was able to gain abilities that I never thought would be impossible to happen"

She said as she raised her hand as a blue aura surrounded her hand creating an ice ball. Master Saki smirk.

"But I'm also here on a request"

"For what?"

"I want to join your league"

Saki walked around Jade.

"What brought this on? What makes you think you are capable to even be a part of my league? How do I know if you won't betray me?"

He questioned. Jade closed her eyes as she thought clearly of what she was about to say.

"I assure you, I am better than Karai, she killed my baby. An eye for an eye wouldn't you agree. Leonardo betrayed me, I finally see he knows nothing of honor but I do. Let me prove to you I am capable of attending your needs. Whenever you need me I will be there, Master"

She said with a bow. Saki looked to Hun with a evil grin before looking to Jade.

"Then you are welcome, my daughter"

He said as he bow to Jade. Jade smiled as the light in her eyes burn out, any sign of hope of turning back was now gone.

"Come, let's get you a new suite that's more suitable"

He said wrapping an arm around Jade as she followed him obediently. Jade looked into her reflection, her blue suite was now gone. She had her hair in a high pony tail, as she was wearing a black tank top with black leather pants and boots.

"Very nice"

Hun said. Jade looked at him with a smirk. Oroku Saki smiled at Jade.

"That old suite was holding back your powers"

"I know I can finally feel my powers surging through me."

"Now then, you have your first assignment"

Master Saki said. Jade waited patiently for her new assignment.

"Get your friends to join you"

He said thinking that Jade would refuse instead he was surprise that she smiled.

"It will be done Master, although I'm not guaranteed all of them will join but I will see what I can do"

"Good and now for the mean time, lay low. You will be my element of surprise"

Jade happily squeal in joy.

"This is going to be fun"

Jade soon left as she headed back home to her apartment slipping through her window.

"Where were you?"

Asked a pissed off turtle. Jade gasp.

"Oh Raph, it's just you. I was just um....out"


"Then why didn't you take your cellphone"

"I didn't want to be bothered and I promise it won't happen again"

She said. Summer stepped into the room behind Raph and was surprise at Jade's outfit.

"Wow, Jade where did you get that outfit?"

Jade smiled at her friend.

"You like it?"

"It looks good"

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