Highly Trained

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"Please please please please please please, I love youuuuu"

"I know you do"

Mikey said with a sweat drop to Emery who was begging him to let her go out on patrol with him. Summer, Jade and Kylie were doing the exact same thing to their boyfriends at the moment.

"I promise I'll be careful"

Kylie said to Donnie.

"It's too dangerous out there. I'm sorry but you can't"

Donnie said sincerely.

"Please I'll do anything you want"

Summer begged to Raphael who was grabbing his sais. Raph let out a sigh.

"For the last time Summer, no"

"Just one night, that's all I'm asking"

Jade said to Leo clinging on to his arm.

"And all I'm saying is no, it's better that you stay inside"

Leo said trying to reason with her. He gently grabbed her by the arms giving her a light kiss on the forehead.

"Alright guys, let's roll out!"

Leo announced as he left along with the others giving their girls a good bye kiss. Master Splinter stood by the dojo door with a smirk as the guys left. Jade, Summer, Kylie and Emery looked to Master Splinter with a smirk of their own.

"Go out and surprise them"

He ordered. The girls smirk at each other as they put on their ninja outfit and headed out. The guys were jumping through the roof as they check out the perimeter for any signs of the foot or the purple dragons.

"Seems like it's going to be one of those quiet nights"

Donnie commented.

"Or we can cut of patrol early and head home"

Mikey said with a grin but was shut down as Leo glared at him.

"It doesn't matter if it's quiet, someone is always up to something"

He said sternly.

"Can't wait to start bashing some skulls"

Raph said twirling his sais on his hand.

"Me neither"

Said a female voice. The guys quickly got into a fighting position as four females landed gracefully surrounding the turtles. Each were wearing a tight leather suite with a scarf wrapped around their waste.

"Who are they?"

Mikey asked.

"Probably the foots new recruits"

Raph said.

"I doubt it they don't have the symbol"

Donnie said.

"So are they friendly?"

Leo asked.

"It doesn't hurt to ask"

Donnie said taking out his Bo staff. Leonardo quickly placed his katana back to the sheath. He raised his hand towards the girl in baby suite.

"Wait, we mean no harm"

The girl look to Leonardo seductively.

"Good because I'm here to play"

She said running towards Leo before he had a chance to react he felt a hand grab to his tail. He quickly blushed and turn around.

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