A Chance

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A moment of silence past between Donnie and Kylie. Donnie cleared up his throat.

"Have you been to the doctor?"


Kylie said quietly.

"Why didn't you?"

"Then what am I going to tell the doctor if they find a baby mutant turtle in my stomach"

"Are you sure you haven't had sex with anyone else after me?"

Donnie asked just to be certain. Kylie slightly glared at him.

"I assure you, I haven't slept with anyone else other than you"

Donnie looked to Kylie in surprise.


"Like I told Summer, I'm a lady not a tramp"

Donnie thought for moment until an idea pop into his head.

"I got it. We can still get an ultrasound done"


"From the junk, I can fix one up and there it would be good as new"

Kylie was surprise.

"You would do that for me?"

"Of course, just so we can confirm it and plus if the chances that you are actually pregnant with my child then what are the chances that the others might get pregnant too"

Kylie smiled as she nodded. Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Raphael and Donatello were able to find a used broken ultrasound and manage to fix it up.

"Okay it's in working order, lay down"

Donnie instructed to Kylie. She did what she was told as Donnie lift up her shirt half way and applied lubricant on her belly. Leatherhead grabbed the wand and placed it over her belly. On screen it showed three small tiny fetus. Donnie remained in shock as his eyes stayed glued on the screen along with Kylie.

"There seems to be two fetus"

Leatherhead said.


Kylie asked in surprise.

"I can make out the small tiny things has shells"

Donatello's mouth drop. Kylie smiled as she looked to Donatello.

"I told you so"

After the ultrasound was done, Leatherhead congratulated Donnie and left to give them some time to talk. Once Kylie was cleaned up she sat up to look to Donnie who cleared up his throat.

"I'm sorry, I know getting pregnant was the last thing you ever wanted from a freak like me"

Donnie said sadly looking away from her. Kylie eyes open wide as she shook her head.

"What? No, Donnie this changes everything"

She said with a smile as she grabbed Donnie's face in her hands and forced him to look at her.

"Look, I was so wrong. I let Bishop get to me"

Donnie let out a small growl.

"Yeah, Jade mention that Bishop was talking to you and that's when your whole demeanor has change"

Kylie sadly looked down.

"He made me think that because I was with you that I was never gonna have a family of my own"


"Meaning that a human couldn't get pregnant by a mutant"

Donnie gently caress her check.

"Kylie, I don't want us to be together because we have to, I want us to be together because we want to"

"I still do. I'll admit I was dating a few guys but it wasn't the same. Can you ever forgive?"

"You're forgiven"

Donatello said with a smile as he embraced her, Kylie was happily returning the hug. She then pulled away slightly.

"You're not a freak Donnie"

She said quietly. Donnie looked at her.

"Yeah, those words coming from you really hurt me deep"

"I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you, I was just confused, I was blinded by reasoning and I realized if loving you is wrong then I don't ever want to be right"

"You really mean that?"

"Of course I do, I love you"

Donnie smiled as he leaned closer to her face.

"I love you too"

He said as he pressed her lips against hers. Kylie immediately wrapped her arms around his neck as she opened her mouth, letting him in. Kylie moaned into the kiss, as their tongues dance against each other. Donnie slightly pushed her back against the table when a sound of a knock cut them off. They pulled away slightly and looked to the direction of the door and saw everyone standing outside the door with Master Splinter in the front.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your activity"

He said. Donnie and Kylie immediately blushed as they pulled away from each other allowing Kylie to sit up.

"So is it true?"

Master Splinter asked stepping forward into the room. Donnie and Kylie smiled as they linked their hands together.

"Yeah, it's true. You're going to be a Grandfather, Master Splinter"

Donnie said with a smile causing Master Splinter to smile in return. The others happily cheered for Donnie and Kylie for their reunion and their soon to be baby.

"I can't wait to see how the baby will look"

Jade said happily.

"Maybe it will have Kylie's looks and Donnie's brain or vice versa"

Summer said with a thought.

"I just wanna know if its going to be a girl or a boy"

Emery said with a smile. Kylie giggled as she look to them.

"You girls might want to be careful for now on"

"Why is that?"

Emery asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Because if I can get pregnant by a mutant turtle, then so can you"

Jade, Emery and Summer froze as they looked to each other and quickly smiled as they all had the same idea. Jade quickly ran to Leonardo and took his hand running out the door.

"Do not disturb!"

She yelled. Next was Summer who grinned as she grabbed Raphael's hand before he had a chance to protest and ran towards the door.

"We'll be back in a couple of hours!"

Emery looked to Mikey, but Mikey was already ahead of her as he quickly swipe her off her feet carrying her bridal style as she wrapped her arms around his neck with a smile.

"Close your ears at all time!"

Mikey yelled running out the door with Emery in his arms. Donnie, Kylie and Master Splinter laughs as they shook their heads. Master Splinter soon left the room allowing Donnie and Kylie to enjoy their moment together again.

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