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"Are you sure you're ready for this Donnie?"

Leo asked. Donnie smiled.

"I know I'm ready. I just don't know when's the right time to ask her"

Leo and Donnie were in the garage fixing up the battle shell as they had their private conversation.

"I'm scared Leo, I'm honestly really scared. I never thought I would have to come face to face with this decision"

"It's a big commitment Donnie, it's okay to be scared. I know Kylie is very excited, she already 6months pregnant, time is going by fast"

"What if I'm not ready? What if the babies don't like me? What if Kylie and I can't work it out?"

"Maybe Master Splinter can give you some comfort better than I could"

Donnie nodded as he put his tools down.

"As always, your right"

Together Leo and Donnie made their way up to the living room where everyone was already in bed except for Master Splinter who was meditating in his room.

"Good luck bro"

Leo said to Donnie before making his way upstairs. Donnie let out a sigh as he gently knock on his father's door.


Donnie open the sliding door as he enter and kneeled before master Splinter.

"What troubles you, my son?"

"Father, I... I'm planning to propose to Kylie"

"Is this what you want?"

"I know this is what I want"

"Then what troubles you?"

"What if I make a mistake? What if the babies don't like me or Kylie and I have an argument that we can't fix? I'm scared but this is what I want to have, a family of our own but...."

He said trailing off. Master Splinter smiled as he gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Life didn't come with instructions Donatello, you know this. You fear change, my son"

Donnie looked up to Master Splinter in surprise.


"Once you become engage with Kylie, that proves your love for each other has change to the next level. Once the children are born it will bring lots of changes but those changes are for the better. Fear not what maybe but hope for the change that will come"

He said with a smile causing Donnie to smile to return.

"I am very proud of you Donatello"

He said embracing him. Donnie return the embrace.

"Thank you, Master Splinter"

"Tell her when you are ready"

"I will"

*Few Nights Later*

"Where are we going?"

Kylie asked with a giggle.

"Topside up on the roof where the water tower is located"

Donnie explained as he held her hand with his as they went topside. Donnie allowed Kylie to climb up first before following her.

"Oh Donnie this is amazing, I don't know what to say"

"I knew you'll love it"

Donnie said with a smile as he helped her down to her feet.

"Do you feel okay?"

He immediately asked. Kylie smiled.

"I'm fine, the babies are fine too"


A dinner light was set up for just the two of them as they look out towards the city beautiful lights shinning bright to the night sky. After they were done eating, Donnie sat down with his shell against the wood tower and his legs were spread open allowing Kylie to sit between as she lean back against his plastron.

"Donnie this was so thoughtful of you"

"I just wanted to treat my girl out"

Kylie lift up her head to Donnie with a smile.

"Thank you"

Donnie smiled as he leaned his head down and kissed her passionately.

"There was also a reason why I brought you out here"

"What is it?"

"Let's first get down from here"

As they both finally got down to an apartment roof, Donnie got down on one knee and took out a purple heart shape box.

"I love you Kylie and I am ready for this next step with you. We are almost going to have a family, so I am ready to settle down with you but that is really up to you. Will you marry me?"

He asked as he opened the box to her. Kylie's eyes shimmer with tears threatening to fall at the words that Donnie spoke.

"Yes, Donnie yes I will marry you"

Donnie smiled as he placed the ring on Kylie before standing up.

"She wants to marry me!!"

Donnie yelled at the top of his lungs as he grabbed Kylie by the waist embracing her as he gave her a spin as she giggled.

"I promise Kylie, I will give you everything to make you the most happiest wife ever"

Kylie smiled as she stroke Donnie's face.

"All I want is you"

Donnie captured Kylie's lips into a sweet passionate kiss. As their date was over, they reached home back under the sewers as the others was waiting passionately. As they enter the door, the others were standing excited.


Jade asked.

"I said yes!"

Kylie said with a squeal as the girls happily scream as they ran to Kylie and had a good look at the ring. The brothers happily congratulated Donnie as well as Master Splinter.

"Congratulations my son, may the both of you live your life happy and prosperity"

He said.

"Thank you Sensei"

Donnie said with a smile.

"When are you going to get started on the wedding?"

Summer asked to Kylie who looked to Donnie.

"It's up to you"

He said.

"It's up to us"

Kylie corrected with a smile as she linked her hands with Donnie.

"I was thinking until after the babies are born, what do you think?"

She asked to her fiancée. Donnie nodded with a smile.

"Sounds great"

"Oh my gosh this is so exciting"

Emery said happily.

"Congratulations you guys"

Summer said.

"Who knew Donnie had more guts then fearless over here"

Raphael joked as he nudge Leo.

"It's not about having more guts Raph, it's about being ready for to make a change, even if Jade and I been together longer than anyone else"

Leo explain as he wrap his arm around Jade's shoulder.

"That's right"

Jade said in agreement. Master Splinter cleared his throat.

"There is a saying that goes “We choose what holds us back and moves us forward.”"

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