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"Um where do you think your going?"

Kylie asked.

"To the city"

"Okay but what's with the mad face?"

"Mikey gave me some things to think about, so now I'm doing something about it"

"You're not gonna head to the police station, are you?"

Summer asked as she over heard Emery and Kylie's conversation.

"No, someone who has more high authority"

"The Justice Force?"

Jade asked stepping into the living room.

"Exactly, they can help me"

"With what exactly?"

Kylie asked. Emery let out a groan in frustration.

"Okay enough questions, are you coming or not?"

She asked heading outside. Summer, Jade and Kylie looked to each other before following.

"Donnie! Keep an eye on the girls!"

Kylie yelled as she headed outside and went inside the car where the others were waiting for her.

"Okay, I'm ready but just don't drive so FAST!!"

Kylie shouted as Emery pressed on the gas pedal hard.


The girls yelled. Not too long later the girls arrived to the city. Emery angrily banged on the door to the tower of the Justice Force Headquarters.

"Emery what are you hoping to accomplish here"

Jade asked seriously.

"Something that needs to be done"

"Are you insane? You can't go barging in on these superheroes, they could be busy"

Summer said angrily.

"Then go home"

Emery said coldly. She angrily looked up to the tower and yelled.

"I need to speak with you boneheads!"


Kylie hissed. The door soon open.

"You called"

Silver Sentry asked.

"Get the press the meet with you, now"

"And just who are you to ask this  request?"

Silver Head asked

"Your worst nightmare if you don't get moving"

"She's the turtle titan's girlfriend"

Jade said nervously with a slight giggle.

"You insulted us"

Ananda said

"None of you were responding"

Emery said crossing her arms over her chest.

"That is no way to speak to us"

Chrysalis said annoyed

"Too bad, until this is deal with get the damn press meeting going. Now"

The superheroes looked to each other and in less than an hour's down the street, the press were already waiting. The news reporters, caught the people's attention as the stood from the crowd as Emery made her way to the microphone with the Justice Force behind her along with Jade, Summer and Kylie.

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