Accidentally In Love

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It was night and Mikey decided to head up topside to enjoy a movie at the cinema, so he was covered up from head to toe. As he was waiting in line, he couldn't help but notice a girl standing alone as if she was waiting for someone.

'Ah that babe probably has a date, but she is hot though'

He thought as he turn his attention back to the line that started moving and pretty soon he was inside the cinema watching the movie.

*After Movie*

Mikey was laughing his shell off as he exit the cinema.

"That movie was awesome"

He said to himself. He was about to leave when he notice the same girl from earlier was still standing there but this time she looked sad. Deep down Mikey knew he shouldn't make contact with humans but in his eyes this one looked special to him. He made his way to her.

"Hey are you okay?"

He asked. The girl slowly turn to look at him.

"Yeah I guess"

She said lowly.

"What's wrong?"

"I got stood up and I been wanting to watch this movie but I wasted my time"

She said sadly. Mikey gently placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey it's okay, I mean if you want the movie theater is still open until midnight, we can watch the movie together"

The girl looked to him surprise.

"Really? You would do that for me, but you don't even know me"

"Yes really, I'm not gonna lie the movie was awesome, so I wouldn't mind watching it with a girl like if it was a date"

The girl blush with a smile as she nodded and stretch out her hand to him.

"My name's Emery"

"Michelangelo but you can call me Mikey"

"Okay Mikey, it's a date"

As Mikey was about to pay for their tickets they turn their heads as they heard some yelling.

"Emery! Wait!!"

A guy yelled. Mikey looked to Emery.

"Who is that?"

Emery glared at the man.

"That was suppose to be my date"

The man came panting in front of them.

"I'm sorry, I'm late but the traffic...."

"I don't want to hear it"

She said cutting him off.

"You should have answered your phone, you left me here waiting for two hours, no more"

The man glared at Emery and then look to Mikey.

"And who is this freak?"

Before Mikey can respond, Emery smirk and she wrapped her arm around Mikey's arm.

"I found someone new and someone better, so bug off."

She pulling Mikey into the cinema with her.

*After Cinema Again*

Mikey and Emery were happily laughing as they were the last one coming out of the cinema.

"Oh my gosh, I can't remember the last time I laugh this much"

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