Say What?

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The next morning, Jade made an announcement to Summer and Raph that she planned to move back at the Farm house today. Raph and Summer were happy by the news and decided to move back in as well. As they arrived at the farm house, Jade was excited to start unpacking her things, while Raph and Summer stayed back to see her skipping back into the house after greeting the others and even to Leo. Summer was definitely happy for her friend on the outside but on the inside, she knew something wasn't right.

"I'm not gonna lie, I love the fact Jade had a new change of heart but that's honestly too fast for her to change"

Summer said in concern looking to her boyfriend.

"Who knows, everybody handles it differently"

Raph said.

"Yeah but come on, think about it. The one night she went off without telling us, and the next she came back wanting to go back to the farmhouse"

"Maybe she saw a therapist"

"Late at night?"

"Look I don't even know myself about what happened, but if Jade is happy then we should accept it, right?"

Summer let out a sigh.


"Good, now let's go and unpack"

After unpacking, Jade gathered up the girls into the barn for a private conversation.

"Listen what I'm about to say, stays between us, got it"

Emery, Summer and Kylie nodded. Jade smile.

"I found a new Master"

"Seriously? You're just gonna ditch Master Splinter just like that"

Summer said crossing both her arms over her chest.

"It's not like that well it sort of is, but I want you girls to join me"

"I don't know, it just doesn't seem right to me"

Emery said.

"Master Saki, can really open your eyes"


Kylie asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oroku Saki"

"That name sounds familiar"

Summer said in frown. Jade bite the inside of the cheek.

"He used to be Karai's Master"

"Wait, do you mean the Shredder? You been talking to the Shredder! You join his league?!"

Summer yelled. Jade quickly hushed her.

"I did"

"What the hell, why would you go and do something like this. You're betraying the guys"

Jade glared at Summer.

"Well I'm sorry okay but I am not going to back down"

"Hello! Have you forgotten he thrown us into the nuclear waste bucket"

Emery said.

"I know he did, but we should thank him for that"

"Thank him? What on earth for?"

Emery said.

"We gain powers that can help for the good of this city and help with revenge with people who hurt us"

Summer walked up to Jade and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Jade your hurting, which is probably the reason why you're doing this..."

"I need my revenge on Karai, you girls need to understand that. She killed my baby and she took Leo away from me. I haven't gone crazy, I mean this world is already mad

"You're joining up with the bad guy, Jade. I suggest you leave it alone now, before something bad happens"

Summer said walking out of the barn.

"This has trouble written all over it. You are completely brainwashed"

Emery said following Summer. Kylie was about to follow but she stop with a hesitation. Jade smirk on the inside but in the outside she smiled kindly to Kylie.

"Kylie, join me"

Kylie looked to Jade.


"Because what if Donnie won't make it"

Kylie turn to face Jade fully.

"But he's okay now"

"Yeah but what if next time he isn't, Leo is going to eventually join up with Karai again and then what. You saw Donnie was hurt because of Karai's plan. Join me, I know you understand how I feel, Karai almost took away someone special to you but she took mine away. Its not right what she is doing to us. Leo will also need to eventually pay the price. Together you and I can bring her down to ensure safety to our friends and love ones"

"But this is Oroku Saki we are talking about, he's a really bad guy, Jade. I'm all up for getting revenge but joining with Saki, I don't know"

"He can help us track her down, we just need to do what he says and when he says. It's nothing bad, but it's for the good of the city. We won't let him down"

"What good?"

"To control the world"

"Through fear?"

"Through power that you would never imagine. Donnie may not approve but what does he know, he was unconscious, he didn't see what we see"


"By you joining, you will also be protecting Donnie and the babies. What do you say?"

Kylie thought for a minute and then looked Jade in the eye with a smirk of her own. The light in her eyes immediately vanish.

"Where do I sign up?"

Jade smirk to Kylie.


Just as Jade and Kylie continued to talk, they heard the door creak open to see Leo coming in.

"Jade can I talk to you?"

Jade turn to face him with a smile.

"When I'm done, I'm a bit busy here"

Leo let out a sad sigh. Jade smirk as she walked up to him and grabbed his hands placing them on her round butt as she wrap her arms around his neck.

"I mean it.....when I'm done I'll let you claim whats yours."

Whispering the last part in his ear. She pulled back only to be pulled forward into a passionate kiss. During the kiss Leo grabbed and rubbed on his girlfriend's nice, firm, round ass making Jade moan. And as much as it hurt him, Jade pulled away.

"I thought you would still be mad at me"

Leo said.

"I wouldn't go that far, baby"

She said walking away with Kylie following right behind her. Jade led Kylie to her bedroom and gave her a new outfit that was similar to hers.

"Nice touch"

Kylie said as she looked at her hands with a smirk as she felt her powers course inside her like a hurricane.

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