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Summer yelled. The guys let out a sigh, they know it wasn't the best plan but what else could they do. They couldn't just sit their and wait for disaster to strike. The plan was to snatch Kylie and Jade and then get out.

"We know that Summer, but what choice do we have"

Raph said.

"Are you blind? You're not just dealing with foot ninjas, you're dealing with two girls who knows how to fight and powers that are out of this world"

"We have to try, Donnie and Kylie's kids are getting sick. He needs Kylie back and Leo needs Jade"

"Why? Tell me why does Leo need Jade back"

"Because he still loves her"

Summer groan as thought about it.

"Fine then I'm coming with you"

"No you're not, Summer your pregnant"

"And you're arguing with a pregnant women, now let's move out"

She said as she got in the car. Raph glared right behind her in frustration.

"I'm coming too!"

Emery happily yelled as she wobbled in her step since her belly gotten more bigger. Mikey helped her to the car.

"Shell, she always have it her way"

Mikey said.

"First can we get a bite to eat"

Leo got behind the wheels.


He said sternly. Emery began to cry.


Mikey hissed. Leo rolled his eyes.

"Fine but your taking it to go"


She cried in joy. As Leo was driving he also contacted Karai to help with the fight. They soon arrived to the city and headed to Shredder's hide out. Summer and Emery stayed in the car until they were finished eating while the guys went on the roof. As they entered the building, the soon found themselves surrounded by the foot clan. A sound of someone clapping caused the turtle to tense as they saw Kylie and Jade walking beside the Shredder.

"Let the fight begin"

Shredder said. The foots began to fight the turtles.

"Leo this isn't going as plan"

"I know, just try to reach the girls"

Kylie and Jade smirk at the scene before them.

"Master, can we join the fight as well"

Jade asked politely.

"Not yet"

He said. Just then Karai her friends soon jumped down from the ceiling and began to fight.

"Now go"

Kylie raised her hands causing wind to twirl around like a tornado in the building. Jade made her way towards Karai who quickly blocked her.

"Not so fast, Princess"

Jade said as she froze Karai in her spot. Karai's eyes open wide as Jade walked closer to her holding a katana.

"This ends here"

She said lowly.

"Wait! Wait!! Wait!!!"

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