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"I can't do this"

Donnie said tugging on his tie while looking at the rows of people inside the farmhouse.

"Relax Don, I'm sure everything will be fine"

Leo said and fixed his tie, for the hundredth time that day.
Today was a very special day for the couple; the wedding of their brother and friend. Everyone in some way pitch in for the wedding April was in charge of catering, while Emery, Jade and Summer worked on the invitations and decoration. As for Donnie and Kylie all they had to do was pick their tuxedo and dress and try to calm their nerves. Yeah, that one wasn't working so far, at least not for Don. He looked dashing in his black tux with his favorite color as the accessories but his nerves weren't at all calm. Leo finished fixing Don's tie and patted his shoulder blades to wrinkle out the blazer.

"There you go"

Leo said smiling at his handy work.

"Now, calm down. Take deep, slow, breaths and relax"

"I can't relax! What if she says no? What of he stands me up? What if she have doubts again? What if—"

He was cut off by Raph's hand slapping his cheek, pretty hard.

"What the shell Raph, why you did that for?"

"I was shutting you up"

He said with a shrug.

"How would that shut me up?!"


Leo said intervening between the two brothers.

"Listen Donnie, how can you think that? I know you're nervous, but did it ever cross your mind that she might be as nervous as you? Did you ever think that maybe she's thinking the same things as you?"

"Why would she? I would never do that"

Donnie said

"Then don't assume she will"

Donnie soon calmed down.

"You love her and she loves you. You both planned this to take your love to next level. Think of your new family that is now expanding."

Donnie smiled, he had never thought of it that way. Leo was right, if he loved Kylie enough then marriage was the way to show it. And besides, Kylie wouldn't have said yes to him if she didn't love him back as much as he did her. He took a deep breath and looked into the barn where his closes friends and family was waiting.

"Thanks Leo, thanks Raph "

He said.

"What are best man's for"

They shared a bro-hug. During the gesture they didn't notice that Mikey had appeared by the door.

"Looking good, Donnie boy"


Don cough into his hand to clear his throat.

"How are the babies doing?"

"The baby girl's are fine, they are with Celeste is with Master Splinter, Mavis is with April and Daisy is with Angel"

Donnie smiled at his little brother.


"But they are getting kind of impatient for not seeing their mommy and daddy. How are you holding up?"

"Just a bit nervous but I'm good"

"Good, then get ready, we're about to start"

Mikey said before leaving.
Don's nerves were back. He looked back at Leo and Raph who smiled at him in assurance and gave him a thumbs up

"You can do this Donnie"

Leo said.

"Yeah, thanks"

Don smiled.

"Well, see you at the altar"

Raph winked and went for the door. Donnie took another deep breath and stood in front of the doors.

"You can do this Donatello, you love her and she loves you. Come on, if you can survive through this then she'll be yours forever"

"'Til death do us part"

Came Kylie's voice at his ear.
Donnie stiffened for a moment but then relaxed after noticing it was his wife-to-be. Kylie smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

"Are you nervous?"

Kylie asked.

"Nervous is an understatement, I'm terrified"

Donnie joked but then smiled sweetly.

"But I want to do this, I want us to be one"

"Me too Donatello. I can't believe this is really happening, it's like a dream come true"

Kylie said with tears in her eyes.
Don cleaned them with his thumb and kissed his future wife. As they shared a wonderful kiss, Mikey opened the door.

"Honestly, couldn't you waited until the end of the ceremony?"

He smiled. The couple separated and blushed madly at the sight of everyone staring at them.

'How embarrassing, everyone saw that'

Kylie thought. Don had the same thought, and added

'To think we have to do it again at the end of the "I do's"'

"Ready guys?"

Leo asked. Kylie looked at Don and they both smiled.

"Yeah, we are"

Kylie grabbed Don's hand they both walked down the aisle.
The barn was decorated with their favorite colors; white and purple. The center, where the altar stood, was decorated with white and lavender.

'The girls really outdid themselves on the decor'

Kylie thought. Once they reached the altar the music died down to let a pastor talk. And thus the ceremony started.

*After The Ceremony*

"Cheers to Donnie and Kylie!"

Leo said holding up his champagne glass. Everyone sitting around a table held up their glass as well.

"To Donnie and Kylie!!"

Everyone shouted as they all took a sip of their drink. Soon it was time for the dance and Donnie and Kylie were the first on the dance floor holding each other close as the song play.

/There is something that I see
In the way you look at me
There's a smile, there's a truth
In your eyes/

/But in an unexpected way
On this unexpected day
Could it mean this is where I belong
It is you I have loved all along/

/It's no more a mystery, it is finally clear to me
You're the home my heart searched for so long
And it is you I have loved all along/

/There were times I ran to hide
Afraid to show the other side
Alone in the night without you/

/But I know just who you are
And I know you hold my heart
Finally this is where I belong
And it is you I have loved all along/

/It's no more a mystery, it is finally clear to me
You're the home my heart searched for so long
It is you I have loved all along/

/Over and over I'm filled with emotion
Your love rushes through my veins
And I am filled with the sweetest devotion
As I look into your perfect face/

/It's no more a mystery, it is finally clear to me
You're the home my heart searched for so long
It is you I have loved
It is you I have loved
It is you I have loved all along/

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