Radioactive Dump

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The turtles became angry.

"Donnie, Mikey get them out of there. Raph your with me"

Leo ordered as he and Raph charge towards the foot clans trying to reach to Shredder. The Shredder laugh as took out a smoke pellet.

"Ninja vanish"

He said throwing it to the ground as the cloud of smoke rises blinding the turtles for a minute before noticing all the ninjas were gone.

"Agh just wait until I get my hands on him!"

Raph said angrily.

"We'll deal with him later, but right now our girls needs us"

Leo said sternly trying to get Raph to think straight. Raph took a deep breath before calming down and jump down to where Donnie and Mikey had just pulled the girls out of the tank.

"Are they...."

Leo said trailing off refusing to say the last word.

"They're alive but unconscious"

Donnie answered.

"Come on let's get them out of here"

Raph said as he carried Summer bridal style. Mikey was holding Emery, Donnie was holding Kylie and Leo was holding Jane. They laid them down on the van as they drove back to the farm house. They each grabbed the girls and placed them on the couch. As Raph was about to grab his girlfriend, Summer began to stir back into consciousness, Raph gasp as he took a step back from her, the others walked back to Raph to see what's taking him so long and froze as they saw Summer. Donnie quickly left. Her eyes flutter open as she realized she was in the van. She looked ahead and saw Raph.

"Raph is that you?"

She asked before Raph can answer her, Donnie came back with a bucket of water and dump it on Summer causing her to wake up more.

"Donnie what the hell?"

She asked angrily.

"You didn't feel that?"

Raph asked.

"Feel what?"

"Sum, you were on fire!"

Mikey shouted. Summer gasp.


"Just right now"

Leo said in surprise. Summer frown in confusion as she looked down at her hand but saw nothing after a few seconds her hand created a fire ball.


She screamed in shock as she jumped out of the van and shook her hand trying to blow out the flame but spread through her whole body.

"You're on fire!"

Raph shouted

"I'm on fire!!"

She screamed.

"Tuck and roll, tuck and roll"

Mikey said hurriedly.

"She can't tuck and roll in the forest"

Leo said. Summer then quickly realized something as she was still in flames. She looked down at her body in flames and look to the turtles.

"It doesn't burn"

She stated calmly. The guys were in shock but Donnie came back and threw a bucket of water at Summer again. Summer glared at Donnie as she spit out the water.


Leo, Donnie and Mikey quicky covered their eyes as Summer was now fully naked and cold. Raph grabbed a spare blanket in the van and wrapped Summer up.

"Wait, you didn't feel it?"

Donnie asked. Summer shook her head.

"I felt normal, I just screamed because I realized I was on fire"

"Dude, do you think that nuclear waste gave her those powers"

Mikey said in amazement. The guys frown and gasp as they headed inside and stood frozen in shook just like Master Splinter. Jade was placed on the couch the couch then became a frozen ice couch. Emery was placed on the recliner but was now a hard rock form. Kylie was placed on the love seat that was now torn. Master Splinter cleared up his throat.

"Is there something you boys would like to share?"

He asked. The guys weren't exactly sure what to say and explained what happened in the beginning when they found the girls.

"Is it safe to come inside the house?"

Summer asked from outside.

"Can you control the flame?"

Leo asked. Summer sadly looked down at her hands that were still on fire. She looked up at him.

"I'm sorry, I can't. I don't know how"

"We should probably move the girls into the barn, just to be safe"

Leo said. The guys nodded as they carried Jade, Emery and Kylie into the barn house. Summer decided to stay outside in case she causes the barn to catch on fire. Raph stood outside with Summer as she crossed his arms over his chest, not knowing exactly what to do. Summer sadly looked to Raph.

"Raph, you still love me right?"

She asked hopefully as her hair got up into flame. Raph sadly smiled at her.

"Of course I still love you but I just hate the fact that I was too late to save you from falling into the nuclear waste"

"Raph don't blame yourself"

She said stepping closer to him as her body got more into flames, Raph took a step back. Even though the fire doesn't burn Summer, it can burn him along with everything else.

"How did you girls get captured anyway?"

He asked.

"This guy snatched Emery's purse so we all chased him and it was a trap, we were surrounded by the foot"

Raph growled. Summer placed her hand on Raph's arm but forgot she was still on fire as she accidentally burn his arm.


Raph said as he rubbed his arm. Summer growled at feeling of not being able to touch.

"I hate this!"

She yelled angrily as the flame increase surrounding her body, growing brighter. Raph took a step back.

"Easy babe, I don't want you to cause a wildfire"

"How do I stop the fire?"

She asked with a roll of her eyes as they turned white.

"Uh guys a little help here"

Raph said as Summer began to levitate as the flame got hotter. Just then water was splash on Summer causing her to fall as Raph easily catch her as she was fully naked once again. Raph looked up to see Mikey with the water hose.

"I think I have an idea"

Mikey said with a smile.

"You will just have to sleep in here until you learn to control your power through meditation"

Leo said as he looked down to Summer who was glaring at him inside a tub full of water in her bikini suite

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