Its Over

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"You are out there living la vida loca while I was here waiting for you every night and for what? For you can go and impress Karai playing vigilante!!"

Jade yelled angrily. The guys had return with Donnie hurt from an explosion and explain to the girls what happened.

"I told you to stay away from her and you didn't listen to me, you never listen when it comes to her"

"Look I'm sorry okay, I feel bad enough as it is"

"Because you see now that your action has consequences. For crying out loud your behaving like Raphael."

"You're suppose to be our leader, Leo. Karai is going to do what she wants to do"

April said sadly.

"Did you tell her about Karai's charm on ya, Leo?"

Raph said. Leo glared back to Raph.

"You're not helping the situation"

"I wasn't trying to"

Jade let out a dry laugh.

"Now I see, Karai charm you, huh? Tell me did she lean real close to you as if she was going to kiss you or how about she cups your cheek leaning her forehead against yours"

"How did..."

"It's the oldest trick in the book Leo!"

"What do you want me to say Karai....I mean Jade"

Jade's eyes look to Leo in surprise by calling her someone else. Leo cringed as he knew he made a big mistake again.

"Why the hell do you want Kari when you have me, you know something forget it you can be with her. I'm done, completely done. I'm sorry if I don't have black hair, I'm sorry I'm not part of a Japanese clan"

Jade said as she headed to her bedroom and packed up all her belongings.

"Jade please, you are overreacting"

Jade glared at Leo but remained silent as she got in the car and drove off.

'She'll be back'

*Few Days Later*

"Still no sign of Jade"

Leo said sadly.

"She's found only when she wants to be found"

Kylie said on the intercom.

"But honestly you did screw up, big time"

"I know, I know but I haven't spoken to Karai either, she's been missing too"

"Leo if we are gonna talk I don't even want to hear her name"

"Sorry, God is like everyone is ignoring me, even Summer and Emery and she no longer wants to cook for me"

"Well I'm still here, sort of"

"Thanks, Ky"

"I will have dinner ready when you guys come back from your patrol"


"No problem. Ky out"

She said ending the line. Leo let out a sigh.

"Careful not to be talking to Kylie for too long, she is still my girl"

Donnie said behind Leo. Leo let out a sigh.

"I know it's just...."

A sound of a scream cut Leo off.

"It's coming from that direction"

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