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Maxine's POV

Here we go again.

New school, new faces. Joy.

I gripped my backpack strap firmly as I walked through the crowd, leading to the front enterance of the school. Just have to keep my head down and not draw any attention to myself.

I refuse to make the same mistakes I did in the previous town I was at.

I had memorised my school sechdule so I didn't have to keep stopping and then moving again, I didn't want to talk to anyone other than teachers, I refused to get close to anyone. Not after what happened before.

First up, English.

I hurried through the halls, only glancing up every now and then to make sure I was heading in the right direction.

"Hang on a sec newbie."

I stopped in my tracks, gritting my teeth as I turned around slowly. I looked up to see a blonde haired girl standing in front of me.

"Mr Honey told me about you, you just moved here from Greendale. I'm supposed to show you around, it's kind of my thing here."

"Thanks, but I'm good." I turned around quickly and as I did, I bumped into someone, knocking their books out of their hands.

"Watch where you're going, you blind as a bat psycho."

"Actually, bats aren't even blind. They have better eyesight than humans, so technically all that I am is a psycho...And even that isn't true.." I replied looking down. "Unless you piss me off." I looked up with a smirk on my face.

The smirk faded though as I looked into a pair of familiar eyes, they weren't as soft and kind as I remember, they were...Mean?

"As if this school doesn't have enough smart asses, they allow another to join. How fantastic. Word of advice newbie, stay out of my way."

"Come on Cheryl, back off a little yeah?"

Her name was Cheryl...That explains a little. She wasn't who I thought she was.

"What be thy name newbie?"


"Pick up my books, Maxine. It's the least you can do after knocking them out of my hands."

I sighed but did as she said, she did have a point, it was my fault that she dropped them.

I handed the books to her and she snatched them out of my hands before flipping her hair and turning around.

"You're welcome." I shouted as she walked away, gaining attention from a few people...Way to not draw attention.

"Come on Maxine. We have ten minutes before class starts, let me introduce you to my friends."

I sighed but turned around and walked beside the blonde haired girl. "My name's Betty, by the way."

"Nice to meet you Betty."

"Don't worry about Cheryl, once she gets to know you, I'm sure she'll be nicer...She's just...She's still cut up about Toni."


"Toni was her girlfriend...But she just up and left one day. It was a big shock to not just Cheryl but to us all, Toni didn't seem the type to just leave. Cheryl was heartbroken...But it seems she's moved on and gone back to being Queen Bitch." We stopped outside a small room and Betty gave me a small smile. "But don't worry, just stay out of her way for now and it'll be okay."

Damn...Poor Cheryl. I've never been in her position before, however I have been in Toni's and I regret it everyday but I had a good reason to leave. Hopefully Toni did too, it'd hurt slightly less that way if she comes back and explains herself to Cheryl.

Betty opened the door to the room and we were greeted by a small group of people.

"Who's the newbie." A dark haired girl asked as Betty closed the door.

"This is, Maxine. She just moved here from Greendale." Betty placed her hand on my back and gave me a supportive smile. "Don't be shy, they don't bite. This is Archie, Kevin, Veronica and Jughead...Who also happens to be my boyfriend." Betty gestured to the person as she said their name, her eyes lingering on Jughead as a small smile creeped upon his face as looked into her eyes.

"And Archiekins is mine, so don't even think about trying anything." Veronica warned as she wrapped her arms tightly around his waist and glared at me.

I laughed and leaned against the wall. "You don't have to worry about that."

"Oh she's gay." Kevin perked up. "Maybe we should set her up with Cheryl, maybe getting her some action will make her chill it with her attitude."

"I'm not gay." I replied quickly. "Well I am, but...I don't wanna be with anyone."

"Bad past lover?"

"Something like that." I nodded my head.

I looked down as the memory came crawling into my head. I bit my lip, trying to stop the tears forming.

"You okay there Max?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied.

The bell rang, signalling it was time to get to class. I quickly opened the door and walked to class, not wanting to speak to them any longer. I didn't want to tell them too much, not only did the memory hurt, I would also become close and vunerable around them and I didn't want that.

It couldn't be that way again, it would only end badly. I can't go through that again...I just can't...

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