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Maxine's POV

As the brawl came to an end, I remained on the ground. My body still hurting from the previous burning. I could smell the blood in the air from the fighting but the pain was on my mind more than the blood.

Jughead hadn't moved, he just continued to stare at me, making me feel uncomfortable.

"Jug." Betty said running over. "Is she okay?" She asked kneeling down beside me. "Are you okay?" She reached out for me but Jughead quickly pulled her away. "The hell, Jughead?"

"Fangs, Sweetpea. Get her up." He ordered as he helped Betty stand up. "Take her to the Whyte Wyrm. I'll handle douchebag Honey."

The two guys that are called Fangs and Sweetpea helped me up, wrapping an arm each around their shoulders as they led me away to the bar.

- - -

Jughead's POV

I walked down the hallway, Betty close behind. I have no idea what's going on or what the fuck just happened. That wasn't normal.

All I know, is that she needed that ring because once one of Dodger's men took it off she screamed and she screamed like she was in the most extreme pain.

"Jughead, what was that all about with Maxine?" Betty asked as she gripped my jacket and spun me around

I winced slightly as I grabbed my side. "First, please don't do that again. Second, something is not right with her. First we see her running at a stupidly fast pace, covered in blood might I add with no injuries then one of Dodger's men took off that ring she's always wearing and she screams and cries like she's in the most extreme pain ever...It's just messing with my head because there's something going on and I don't know what...But I need to find out. Fast."

Betty nodded her head slowly, trying to process what I said.

"I love you, Betty and I just want to keep you safe. I don't trust her."

Betty wrapped her arms around my waist and placed her head on my chest. "I love you too Jug. We'll figure this out together."

- - -

Maxine's POV

Fangs gently set me down on one of the sofas in the bar as Sweetpea headed towards the bar.

He came back with a bottle of vodka and three shot glasses.

Everything was kinda hazy, I still felt some pain and I wasn't healing as fast as I would've liked.

My eyes were slowly closing but I was fighting to keep them open. I looked around the room, surprised nothing had changed much.

"Here, drink this."

I looked down at the table to see Fangs pushing a shot glass filled with red liquid, in front of me.

"What the?"

I looked up at Fangs and he gave me a friendly smile as he held his hand up. On his finger was a ring exactly like mine.

He then grabbed his shot glass and downed the liquid. I looked at Sweetpea and he was drinking clear liquid.

"He's the only one that knows. That blood is his, he helps me out by filling a bottle every few days and hiding it where nobody will find it."

"I don't have human blood." I said pushing the glass towards him.

"Are you crazy?" Fangs asked in shock. "You need it, no wonder you're not healing quickly."

"I've had other vampire blood, I'll be okay."

"Not enough, clearly." He said turning so he was sitting properly. "Well if you're not gonna have it." He grabbed the shot that was intended for me and downed it.

"Nothing like daytime drinking huh boys?"

A man walked out of the office area, he had a small smile on his face until his eyes landed on me.

"Holy shit." He said, his hand going to his mouth. He pointed to me, unable to speak as he ran a hand through his hair. "Maxine." He managed to say.

"Do I know you?" I said rather confused.

He laughed and shook his head. "Of course you don't recognise me. I got old." He walked closer and took a seat in front of me. "It's me, FP."

My lips parted in shock and I stood up slowly, as did FP. I threw my arms around him, hugging him tightly as he hugged me just as tight.

"It's good to see you, kid."

"You still calling me kid even though I'm hundreds of years older than you?"

"You know it." He laughed still hugging me.


FP broke the hug and turned around, his hands on his hips as a blonde haired woman was stood at the office door looking confused. Her eyes landed on me.

It was no mistaking who she was.



She ran towards me and I ran towards her, we wrapped our arms around eachother, hugging eachother tightly. I felt her tears on my neck and I couldn't help but cry too.

Alice was my best friend and the first person I told about being a vampire.

"What are you doing here? Have you seen Penelope? Does she know you're back? It's good to see you again." She said quickly, pulling away from the hug.

I laughed and nodded my head. "I don't know to be honest, it's a bad idea being here but I need to be here. Yes I've seen Penelope, she knows I'm back and it's good to see you again too."

A door slammed shut and we turned to look at the enterance to see Jughead and Betty stood there.

Betty looked confused and Jughead was fuming.

"What the hell, is going on?"

Blood In Riverdale - A Riverdale FanFiction (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now