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Cheryl's POV

I don't know why FP decided to bring Maxine home, she needed to go to the hospital. He entered the nearest bedroom, which was mine and layed her on the bed.

"Get your Mom." FP said quickly. "Betty, call your Mom."

I don't know why he needed my Mother or why he needed Alice but I did as he said and ran to get Mother. She was sat in the living room, looking rather confused.

"Cheryl, what's going on?" She asked putting her cup down.

"So we had to rescue Betty from this man called Dodger and his idiot goons but it didn't go as planned."

"What do you mean?"

I bit my lip to stop myself from crying even more than I already had been. "Maxine..." My voice broke.

"What happened to Maxine?" Mother asked standing up quickly. "Cheryl, what happened to Maxine?" She repeated walking closer to me.

"PENELOPE!" FP shouted.

I followed Mother up the stairs, surprised that was she was running. She entered my room and I watched as her hands covered her mouth as tears started to fill her eyes.

"What happened?" She asked slowly walking towards the bed and sitting next to Maxine. She took her hand and held it gently. Why was she doing that?

Why did she care so much?

"She got stabbed twice...Once with a normal knife." FP cleared his throat and placed his hands on hips. "The second time with a piece of wood."

Mother looked up at FP, her eyes somewhat wide in shock although she tried to hide it. FP just subtly nodded his head. He glanced to me and then looked back at Mother.

"Cheryl, sweetie."

Sweetie? Had this witch taken jingle jangle?

"You need to leave, okay?" She said standing up and gently leading me out of the room.

"No, no I can't leave her. What if she dies?" I asked beginning to cry again. "There's so many things I haven't been able to show her,so many things we haven't done...So many things I haven't said to her." I looked down, feeling my heart become heavy.

"She won't die. Alice is on her way and she will help, okay? I promise, she's going to be just fine in either a few hours or a day or two."

Mother took me by surprise when she hugged me. I tensed up at first, not used to her doing this but I soon relaxed and hugged her back, crying even more as I finally realised what a Mother's hug felt like.

- - -

Three hours go by, everyone has left. Except Mother of course, she's downstairs. I'm layed in bed, just watching her sleep.

She looks so peaceful...She looks so beautiful.

I gently reach out and push some hair out of her face. As my hand gently brushes against her skin, I can feel her burning up. I lower the blanket that's covering her so it's only over her legs.

My eyes land on the bandage that's wrapped around her stomach and I try hard not to cry again as I lay down.

"I really wish you were awake." I said in a whisper, my voice slightly breaking. "I really need you to hold me."

Suddenly, Maxine's arm moves towards me. I look at her in confusion.


She doesn't reply, her arm just remains where it is. I carefully move closer to her and as I do, she wraps her arm around my shoulders. I lay my arm over leg instead of her stomach so I don't hurt her and rest my head on her shoulder.

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