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Maxine's POV

Penelope and Alice both wrapped their arms around me, I had one arm around Penelope's shoulders and the other around Alice's. They tried talking to me but I couldn't answer.

I was too focused on the sight in front of me. Cheryl had kissed Toni. She had got her girl back...I had so many chances and I blew them all...Now I'll probably never have a chance again.

I removed my arms from the two women and tried to walk away but the pain along with how weak I was, was too much. I fell to the ground and Cheryl was instantly by my side.

I pulled my arm away quickly, wincing as I did so. Cheryl slowly stood up and backed away, I clearly hurt her feelings but so what? She had Toni.

FP gently scooped me into his arms and carried me bridal style. He looked down at me and gave me a sad smile. I felt a single tear roll down my cheek as I caught a glimpse of Toni comforting Cheryl.

- - -

Back at Thistle House, I was layed in bed, my wounds had slightly healed on the journey here but I was still slightly sore and weak.

Alice and Penelope had given me some of their blood but it still wasn't enough, my body needed rest and I really was trying to rest...But all I could hear was giggling coming from Cheryl's room and it hurt so much.

I couldn't deal with this...

I slowly removed the covers from my body and climbed out of bed. It took me a few moments to gather myself but I weakly stood up and made my way out of the bedroom.

"I love you."

I closed my eyes as I heard Toni say those words to Cheryl. The words I wanted to say to Cheryl and the words I longed to hear from Cheryl...

I used the wall to keep me steady, trying so hard to ignore the sounds coming from Cheryl's room.

I slowly opened a door and just stood there. Not knowing what exactly I was doing here.


"I...I don't know why I'm..Here..I'm sorry. I'll go."

"No, no." Penelope said quickly as she sat up. "Come." She lifted the blankets beside her and I walked into her bedroom, closing the door behind me before climbing into bed with her.

She gently lifted my head up so she could wrap her arm around me...It had been so long since she held me like this...I closed my eyes as a forgotten memory came flooding back.

"I'm surprised you're not scared of me."

"Scared of you? Maxine....I....I'm in love with you. You being a vampire will never change that. Sure, it was a little startling seeing you like that...But I know you meant no harm to me, even when you turned around and showed your fangs to me. You were just lost in the heat of the moment and that's okay."

"How can you love me? I'm a monster."

"You are not a monster. You are Maxine Taylor. The most amazing girl in the world. You are the sweetest. The kindest."

"If I'm so sweet and kind...Then why did I almost beat Hiram to death?"

"You were protecting me...And hey...On the plus side...He's impressed and wants to hire you. He respects you and that's rare, Hiram only respects one person and that's Hermione...So for him to respect you...It's huge."

I turned to look at Penelope, I have never loved someone like I love her...The way she's so accepting of everyone...Always willing to see the good in people...It was her, who was the most amazing girl in the world.

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