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Maxine's POV

The brightness of the sun shining through the curtains woke me, my body jumped slightly as I thought about my ring but thankfully I didn't take it off last night.

I turned my head to the side to see that Cheryl wasn't beside me. I turned my head again and saw her stood in front of her closet, her back facing towards me.

She was just in a black skirt and a red lacey bra, her body was so beautiful and so amazing. I honestly couldn't take my eyes off of her.

I knew I had to though, it wasn't right of me to be staring at her like that when she thinks I'm asleep.

I closed my eyes again and pretended to have just woken up...Technically I had, but I wanted Cheryl to know I was awake without knowing I had just checked her out.

"Cheryl?" I said my voice coming out slightly croaky, that wasn't on accident either.

"Good morning."

I opened my eyes and she had now turned around, still in her skirt and bra but now I had an even better view of her body and she looked even better at the front.

She placed her hands on her hips as she wore a huge smile. "Lovely morning isn't it?"

"It certainly is." I smirked sitting up slowly. I yawned and did a little stretch before removing the covers from my body and climbing out of bed.

"Thank you for staying with me last night." Cheryl said pulling out a black blouse from her closet. "It felt nice having someone with me."

"No problem. If you need me again tonight, just let me know."

Cheryl just smiled and nodded her head, my eyes drifted from her eyes to her breasts and down to her toned stomach, then back to her eyes. She raised an eyebrow at me and was about to speak when the door burst open.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Penelope asked, angrily. She looked at half naked Cheryl and then half naked me, she tried to hide her sadness but she was failing.

"Don't you know how to knock, mother?" Cheryl said pissed off. "Is a little privacy too much to ask for?"

"I will not tolerate this in my house."

"It's not even your house, it's Nana Rose's house. The house you owned has gone to the place you belong. Hell."

"Well you're the one that sent it there by being the stupid little girl that you are."

I looked at Penelope and tilted my head at her, she shrugged her shoulders at me. "What? Ask her what she did to Thornhill."

I looked at Cheryl who smiled proudly at me. "I burned it to the ground."

"I'm sorry, what?!" I asked in complete shock.

So many memories I held there with Penelope when we didn't have to sneak around. Thistle House was our secret meet up place because it mainly used as a guest house...The memories we made there, the hidden secrets were gone..

"I was cleansing it." She said as if it was the most normal thing in the world to do.

"You burned it down with me inside."

"No, Mother. You went inside a burning building on your own accord. I simply watched."

"This is crazy." I said sitting slowly down on the bed. "This is so fucking crazy."

"Crazy is an understatement dear. Anyways, hurry up and get dressed, I made breakfast." Penelope said before leaving the room.

Cheryl huffed and put her blouse on. "What is that wretched woman up to?"

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