The Bullseye Get's the Girl

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       In this story, Marinette's father, Tom is a widower. He decides he wants to marry off his daughter, Marinette! Only the way he does so is a bit old-fashioned. Alya is an announcer in this particular story, but what does she announce? Find out more in...The Bullseye Gets The Girl (AU) one-shot story by Summer Cheng.

   "It seems that Tom Dupain-Cheng, the widower has an unusual way to marry off his daughter," the reporter Alya Cesaire reports.

    "Could you tell us what this is and why?"  Alya asks.

     "Sure, there is an ordinary archery game that I have set up," Tom begins.

"The object of the game is simple each contestant will have three tries to hit the bullseye,"  Tom says.

    "The one to hit three in a row, wins my daughter, in other words he is the one I will allow to marry her," Tom replies.

    "Now, would you mind telling us why you want a contest done to determine who marries your daughter?"  Alya asks.

  "Oh, that is simple enough to answer it has been a tradition in our family for years!  Besides, the man who can hit the target that well must be able to win the love of Marinette. So you see it can not possibly go wrong," Tom says.

  "Father, there you are!  Tell,  Luka to leave me alone!" Marinette says rather ticked off.

  "I am not interested in him at all, so tell him to get lost!"  Marinette whines.

    Marinette sees the archery stuff set up and frowns, " Ugh, you plan to marry me off to a stranger?"

     Luka signs up for the archery event.  

"Count me in too!" Kim says as he signs up next.

"Hmm, this could be fun!"  Felix signs up.

Marc thinks, well what could it hurt?  He signs up too.

    Adrien shows up at the park, sees the archery stuff, the contestants, etc. and angrily asks, "What is the meaning of  all this?"

"Adrien, you have to help me.  My father wants to marry me off to whoever wins this stupid contest,"  Marinette says sadly.

   "What?" Adrien is furious now, he thinks I have to win the contest or lose my Marinette forever.

     "I am sorry guys, but no one is winning Marinette today!" Adrien says with fury in his voice. He signs up for the contest.

  Adrien glares at the other contestants and thinks I better win!  I can not lose Marinette to any of them.

    "Adrien, please be careful!"  Marinette says with tears in her eyes. She thinks please do not lose my love.

     Marinette nervously watches as the contestants shot the first arrow. 

   "Oh, man!"  Luka says as he misses the target. His first arrow hit a tree instead.

"Let me show you how a professional does it,"  Kim brags. He shots and his arrow hits the bullseye.

   Marc goes next and his arrow misses the target too.

  Felix shots and his arrow hits the bullseye.

     Adrien thinks, Marinette this is for you. He shots and his arrow hits the bullseye too.

  "It seems we have a three-way tie now,  Luka and Marc are disqualified as their arrows have both missed the target,"  Alya announces.

   "Now the battle continues with Kim, Felix, and Adrien in a three-way tie.  Who will win?"  Alya reports.

   "Ha, beat that!"  Kim brags as his second arrow hits the bullseye.

   Marinette has a shocked look on her face.  "No, " she calls out.  She thinks Kim can not win when I love Adrien.

    Felix grins as he aims at the target, but this time the arrow lands beside the bullseye.

        Adrien thinks I wish I could find another way to prove I love you!  Now, I know I have to beat Kim.

        Adrien is even angrier now. He takes his time with his aim, and watches as his arrow hits the bullseye.

      "Wow, Adrien!  Looks like it is just the two of us, now!"  Kim retorts.

    "He is right as Felix bullseye missed the target altogether," Alya announces.

"Bravo, boys!  Bravo!"  Tom says.

    "Father, please I beg you!  Please, call off the contest,"  Marinette pleads with her father.

  " I want to marry for love not be a trophy because of some stupid contest," Marinette says.

    "It is too late, the event is almost over, and there are only two contestants left anyway,"  Tom says.

   "Yes, but..." Marinette looks sad and feels like she might even throw up.

     Adrien whispers,  "Marinette, do not worry!"

       Kim takes his  last arrow and says, "No, way  I will lose to you, man!"  He shots it, the arrows hit the target but misses the bullseye.

       Adrien thinks I hate this. This is just wrong, but I have to prove that I love her!  Adrien pulls out his last arrow, aims, sees the arrow zoom past everyone as it hits the target!  His arrow splits the others in half as it hits the bullseye once more!

 Adrien wins the contest!

  "Wow, young man you win!  As promised you may marry my daughter, Marinette!" Tom says to congratulate him.

   Marinette runs off sad. She can not stick around to see what happens next. She sobs.

   "I will find her sir," Adrien says then leaves to search for Marinette.

   "Marinette?" Adrien says when he finds her. He sees her tears and thinks did I do this?

         Marinette continues to cry.  

"Marinette do not cry, Felix lost, Kim lost, and I won," Adrien says.

      Marinette just looks at the ground and refuses to speak to him.

  Adrien says,  "Look, Marinette I never meant to hurt you.  I just had to win the contest, because I could not  lose you,"

  "Marinette, I love you!" Adrien remarks.  

     Adrien kisses her and Marinette kisses him back.  Adrien thinks, please do not cry, my love.

    "Marinette, will you marry me?" Adrien asks.

"Yes, I would be glad to marry you, Adrien," Marinette says. She wipes her tears and smiles.

     "Marinette, you do not how happy this makes me," Adrien says as he slips the ring onto her finger.

    "Oh, but I do, my love!" Marinette says.


Together, they return to her father and show him the engagement ring.

   "Well, then lad, you shall make a fine son-in-law indeed!" Tom says.

     "Thanks, Mr. Cheng,"  Adrien says.

    "Enough with the formalities already, son just call me, Tom,"  Tom says.

   "Alright then, thanks Tom, I shall make your daughter, Marinette ever so happy as she has done for me by accepting my proposal. I have loved her for a while, but never had the guts to ask for her hand. Then, today when I thought I would lose her to some other man, I was furious, and entered the contest to ensure no one else took her from me!" Adrien explains.

     "Father, I always wished to marry, Adrien!  I am so very happy now," Marinette says.


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