Missing Camembert?

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    In this story, Plagg is all in a panic! It seems all his food is missing. Is it really, or it all just his imagination?

     Plagg woke up with a start.  "Ah," Plagg screams!  He sees his safe is open, the locking missing, and it is empty.

"My cheese is missing, where did it go?" Plagg asks.

"Plagg, I heard you scream.  What is wrong?"  Adrien remarks.

" My cheese is gone!" Plagg remarks.

   "Some stole it," Plagg whines.

  "What?" Adrien checks the safe and sees it is empty as Plagg says.

"Hmm, you are right Plagg, all that awful stinky cheese is gone. What a relief!" Adrien states.

"What will I eat?  Tell Tikki, I love her because I  am going to starve to death!" Plagg says.

"Relax, Plagg, I will go to the store and buy you some more Camembert cheese," Adrien tells him.

      Adrien goes to the store to buy Plagg's food.  He goes to the front of the place, and says, "Hi, I am here to buy more Camembert cheese."

      "You are kidding right?  That is the stinkiest cheese in Paris!  Not only does it stink, but it is expensive too,"   The man behind the counter says.

"Well, a friend of mine loves the stuff and I promised him some," Adrien explains.

"I am sorry, but you came at the wrong time," The man says.

"What do you mean I came at the wrong time?" Adrien asks.

"The strangest thing happened a huge shipment of Camembert cheese was delivered here last night, but when I came here to open the store this morning it was gone!" He says.

"Bygone I mean all 200 packages of it which are, even more, strange, because nothing else in the whole store was taken, "  He says.

"In that case, I will be going now," Adrien says, He scratches his head as he leaves the store.

  The strange thing was every store, Adrien went too Adrien was told the same thing. The Camembert was delivered last night, and all of it went missing by morning time.

     Adrien went home empty-handed and wondered how to tell Plagg his cheese was not available anymore.

      Meanwhile, with Marinette...

   "Tikki lets listen to some music!"  Marinette says.

"Ok, Marinette!" Tikki says.

      Tikki turns on the radio. She and Marinette enjoy the music until it gets interrupted by a special broadcast:

   All citizens of  Paris, France the Camembert supply has gone missing!  As in all of it from every home, store, safe, etc!    No one can seem to figure out what has happened to it!

"Wow, Marinette sounds like an emergency to me!" Tikki says.

"I wonder who on earth would bother to steal  all the stinky cheese in Paris!" Marinette says.

"Tikki spots on, yeah!" Marinette says. She transforms.

   As Ladybug swings away she thinks now it is time to find out who stole the cheese, where they took it and why they took it anyway.  She interviews all the workers in one store, then the ones in the other stores. She discovered they all discovered the missing item when they discovered the missing items in the morning. 

   "Now, I just need to find the thief," Ladybug says. She thinks where on earth is Chat?

 Back with Plagg and Adrien...

"Quick, Adrien transform so you can help Ladybug!" Plagg says.

"Plagg claws out!" Adrien says and transforms.

       Chat Noir finds Ladybug a few minutes later and says,  "Sorry, I am late Ladybug?"

     "Glad you are here!  Now, let's catch a stinky cheese thief shall we?"  Ladybug remarks.

"Yes, we shall, m' lady!"  Chat Noir responds.

      Ladybug and Chat Noir worked hard but finally caught the rotten thief.  

   The store manager who took it was arrested by the authorities and put in jail for breaking and entering, tampering with alarms, stealing the cheese, and hiding it.  He also got in trouble for attempting to seal it cheaper somewhere else.

    Later, Chat Noir and Ladybug smile and say "Pound it!"  once the cheese is returned to its proper owners.

   the end...

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