A Miraculous Fall Walk

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   It is fall now and the leaves start to change colors.  They are such pretty combinations of brown, red, orange, and yellow. 

      Adrien decides to go for a walk.  It is Saturday, he feels like he could use the exercise. He sees the following things on his walk: a few birds in a nest, a black cat that seems a bit lonely by itself, a blue feather that came lose from a bluebird's back,  and a hammer.  Now, how odd that he would see this item in the first place.  He comes across a picnic basket full of food. There is fruit, a roll, a glass of milk, a picnic blanket, and a bowl inside it. Then, he sees the playground as he arrives at the park.  He sees an abandoned soccer ball and wonders why the children playing with it ran off.

    As he continues on his walk he sees a girl with her blue hair held back in pigtails and a red ribbon run past him. The girl, Marinette out for her usual run waves at him.

   Adrien thinks wow, Marinette sure can run fast.  I wonder why I never noticed this before today. He finally arrives at his destination the library to borrow a book on space adventures. He checks out the book and leaves the library. He sees Marinette again and asks, "Hey, Marinette where are you off too in such a hurry?"

  "Adrien, I do not think she heard you.  By the way, she always goes for a jog every Saturday at the same time," Alya tells him.

   "She does?  Wow, that is cool.  Well, Alya I must be going." Adrien says. He starts to walk home.

   "Bye, Adrien!" Alya says. She thinks I can not believe it, I thought for sure he would ask for Marinette's phone number.

     Alya leaves to go meet up with Nino.

    Meanwhile, Marinette finishes her morning jog and heads home. She gets out her journal and begins to write in it.

     Dear Journal,

   Today,'s morning jog went well, for once I managed not to trip over my own feet.  I saw Adrien Agreste, my crush out on a walk.  So, naturally, I waved to him as I jogged past. I wonder was it just coincidence he was outside the same time as me, or what?

   I saw Alya at one point too, but could not make out what she said.  Did I mention she is my best friend?   I honestly, do not know what I would do without her in my life.  For that matter, I am glad Adrien is my friend too.  Hopefully, one day we will be more than friends.

  I wonder what Adrien is up to now.  How is it on a fall day like today when the leaves change colors and fall off the trees, all I can think about is my crush?   Maybe, Alya is right, maybe I am a hopeless, romantic.

 Speaking of romantic I hear Alya and Nino are seeing quite of bit of each other if you get what I mean.  They rarely go anywhere without each other.  This is so cute, no they are an adorable couple.   I admit it I am both happy for them and jealous of the relationship they cherish.

 How is that Alya manages to get a man without even trying?    I can hardly get a sentence out without messing up on the words.  I feel like I am nervous wreck around my crush, no wonder he thinks, I am weird, or that I am scared of him.

Who's knows, maybe someday I can talk to him without stuttering so much, would not that be something?

-Marinette Dupain-Cheng :)

   Marinette closes the journal, takes a look around her, and thinks, now what?

   Back to Adrien, he reads the library book for a bit, then sets it back down.  He walks over to the window and looks out

  "Adrien, why are you just standing there staring out the window?" Plagg asks.

  "I kinda hoped I would see her you know," Adrien answers.

 "What makes you think Marinette would be nearby, you did just see her on your walk you know," Plagg remarks.

    "I know, but sometimes she walks past my bedroom window.  It is like she does not even realize that I can see her." Adrien explains.

  "Marinette is the first girl who seems to be afraid of me, yet I can tell there is something different about her," Adrien remarks.

  The shy girl, to nervous to speak to her crush as herself, transforms, and makes her way over to see Adrien.

   "Hi, Adrien!  Surely, it is a nice fall day, is not it?"  Ladybug says.

"Yes, sure it is Ladybug!  What brings you here?" Adrien asks her.

  Ladybug jumps through his open window and into his room. 

 " I was on a walk and thought I would come over to see how you are," she says.

"How are you?" Ladybug asks

"G-good, but I was kinda hoping to see M-Marinette," Adrien answers.

"Oh, that silly girl who lives above the bakery, why would you want to talk to her for anyway?"  Ladybug asks.

   "Well, she is my friend, and I want to tell her something,"  Adrien replies.

    "I mean I like Marinette!" Adrien says. He blushes and thinks not that is not right, I love Marinette.

    "Ok, then I have a surprise for you.  Make that three surprises," Ladybug responds.

       Ladybug kisses Adrien and thinks, I love you too!   Adrien kisses her back and feels awkward about it.

  "Oops!  Sorry, hehe, you are a great kisser by the way!" Ladybug winks at him.

  Adrien thinks, wait I kissed her back.  Oh, no!  How will tell Marinette I love her when I already kissed Ladybug.

     "For my second surprise, ok, ready?" She asks. She takes a deep breath.

   "Tikki sp-spots o-off!" She mutters. Ladybug detransforms.

   "Hi, A-Adrien!  Bye, the way, I like you too!  I hope you are not dis..."  Marinette says.

     Adrien kisses Marinette, she is taken by surprise and closes her eyes as she kisses him too. She thinks, wait does this mean what I think it does.

    "I could never be disappointed you are her, M-Marinette!  I feel in love with you twice, once as Ladybug and later as Marinette!" Adrien confesses.

" I am happy you are the same person, so I do not have to choose because I love all of you, my dear Marinette!" Adrien confesses more.

   "Great, I love all of you too, my Adrien and my Chat Noir!" Marinette blurts out.

 "How did you find out that I am Chat?" Adrien asks in surprise.

"Well, you both have blonde hair and those dreamy green eyes. You have the same voice and you have come to my rescue many times as both Adrien and Chat Noir,"  Marinette explains.

"Then, finally neither Chat Noir, or my crush could stand Chloe bullying me, so I figure this could only mean one thing, my crush and partner are the same people," Marinette tells him.

  "I am your crush?  I wonder how I did not notice before my princess and my Bugaboo. I love you!" Adrien says.

"I love you too, Adrien, my kitty!"  Marinette says.

"What do we do now?" Adrien asks.

"I do not know, what would you suggest?"  Marinette asks.

"Be my girlfriend?  I mean will you?" Adrien replies.

"Yes,  Adrien!" Marinette says.

   Adrien and Marinette begin to date from that point on, later got engaged, and eventually got married when they were in their twenties, had a few children, and lots of pets.

    the end...

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