Once a Bridesmaid Never a Bride! AU

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     In this story, Alya is a young lady who has been a bridesmaid, so many times it's ridiculous! Her best friend, Marinette agrees with me on this. Why in the world, is Alya still single? *

   Inspired by the movie 27 Dresses!**

    Once there was a young girl who was always a bridesmaid. She has twenty-eight dresses a least or maybe a few more that she has worn in all the weddings for her friends.  She is the girl who is always a bridesmaid, but never a bride!  Her name is Alya Cesaire.  Her best friend is Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

    There was this man named Nino Lahaffe who had a crush on the girl who has been a bridesmaid twenty-seven times already, or was it twenty-eight?  Ha, who is counting?

     It is no wonder, Alya has so many different bridesmaid dresses by now.  No one else can see why she keeps these things in her closet.  It makes it rather crowded and she never wore any of them more than once.  

      "Alya, how many times are you going to be a bridesmaid without getting married yourself?" Marinette asks her.

"Oh, and just what is that supposed to mean?" Alya asks. 

"I mean you have been a bridesmaid like what twenty-six times now?" Marinette asks.

Uh, it is twenty-eight times, but who cares?  It is not like any counts against me." Alya scoffs.

"Why do you keep all these dresses anyway?" Marinette asks.

"What else would I do with them?" Alya asks.

"Maybe you could sell them or donate them to the local thrift shop," Marinette answers.

 "Are you kidding?  What about this dress?" Alya asks as she holds one up. It as rather plain, old fashioned style dress with a few ribbons on the side and puffed sleeves.

"Oh, definitely not that one!  It is the ugliest dress I have ever seen!"  Marinette tells her.

  "You think so?  It is one of my favorites," Alya replies.

"Besides, why do you care so much what I choose to do with all my old bridesmaid dresses anyway?"  Alya retorts.

"Look, I was only trying to help," Marinette says.

   "Ok, sorry I snapped at you. You are my best friend and I know you only have my best interest at heart,"  Alya remarks.

       Marinette giggles. " You have got that right," She says.

"Let's go have some fun!"  Marinette says.

"Sure, we might as well have a fun girl's day out!"  Alya remarks.

"I know, it has been ages since our last one,"  Marinette says.

     Narrator: So the girls went and had a blast!

"Hi, Ladies!  How are you?" Nino asks.

"Hi, Nino!" Alya says with a blush across her face.

"Hi, Nino!"  Marinette says.

"I just remembered there is somewhere I need to be, so catch you later! Bye!"  Marinette remarks.  She walks away.

      After Marinette left, Nino sat down at the table with Alya. 

"Well, this is nice, right?"  Nino asks.

"Yeah, whatever you say, Nino!"  Alya answers.


Two months later, "So, Marinette what do you think?" Alya asks. She has a bright red dress.

   "I think it looks nice, so what is the special occasion?" Marinette asks.

"Nothing, what makes you ask such a thing?" Alya asks.

"So, you are not trying to impress someone special then?"  Marinette asks in response.

"No, whatever gave you that idea?" Alya asks next.

"Well, you are wearing a nice dress on a Saturday!"  Marinette replies.

"Ok, fine so this time I have not been asked to be a bridesmaid again,"  Alya tells her.

"I have been asked to sing at a wedding though," Alya explains.

"What?  You are the special speaker at a wedding, Wow, that is fantastic!"  Marinette responds.

"It is?" Alya asks. 

"Sure it is, I mean I am proud of you to be willing to sing at a wedding. You are a great singer!"  Marinette says.

Later, Alya does great singing at the wedding!  She even gets a standing ovation.  Everyone clapped for her as well.

  Marinette smiled as she sat next to Adrien at the reception. Adrien was glad to spend time with his beautiful girlfriend.

    Alya starts to leave and Nino calls out, "Wait, Alya, please go out with me!"

"Sure, Nino!  I would love too," Alya says.


 Nino and Alya date for a few years.

  Now, it is three years later, Alya sings at another wedding and again everyone claps for her!

    Nino gets down on one knee in front of Alya at her cousin's wedding reception. "Alya, will you marry me?" Nino asks.

"Yes, I will!  I love you!"  Alya answers.

"I love you too!"  Nino says.

   A few years later, Nino and Alya got married!  

   the end...

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