Jagged's Assistant Penny Rolling one-shot story

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                                     Jagged's Assistant, Penny Rolling was born a healthy baby girl. She grew up with her mother, father, and many siblings. She learned how to play the violin at age two.

                                  At four years old, she told her parents she did not like bugs. This might be due to the yellow jackets that stung her multiple times when she was a baby.

                     She did not like bees, hornets, wasps, and especially yellow jackets.  She was homeshooled for kindergarten through the sixth grade years.

         She attended public school seventh through twelfth grade, and graduated from her class with honors. She went away for college for two whole years.

                Penny was so smart she got an interior design degree quicker than most people. Shortly after graduation from college she decorated people's homes and businesses for a living. She had this job for two months.

              She was fired when her boss found out she had accidentally mismatched some of the curtains in one of the places she decorated.   She was disappointed and took a job as a waitress.

                  Penny found out this famous singer and guitar player, Jagged Stone needed an assitant. She applied for the job, but did not expect to get it.

                    Now, years later, she has worked for him for over twelve years. She never complained once about it.

           Not even when Jagged Stone had fussed at her for mixing his red lucky socks in with a load of whites and all the whites had come out of the laudry a pink color. She liked the attention she got for working with him.

       Eventually, she felt like this was not enough though. Penny devoloped a crush on her employer at some point. She was to embarassed to say anything and kept her feelings to herself.

           One day, she told Jagged he looked handsome in his new suit and tie. She wondered who he dressed up nice for and asked him about it. She was surprised when she found out he had done so for her.

             Penny was pleased when Jagged asked  her to accompany him on a picnic.  After the pinic Jagged asked her out and she accepted right away!   It was hard to believe how much time had passed since then.

               Today, was the one year anniversary or was it  the second one since they had begun to go steady?  Penny enjoyed the fancy meal  at the restaurant  and the nice flowers placed at the table.

            She did not understand why Jagged had gone through all this trouble for her.

       She would have asked him about it, but before she could Jagged had gotten down on one knee and asked, "Penny, will you marry me?"  Penny was surprised and did not say a word at first.

              Jagged look sad because he though she had rejected his proposal.  Penny finally answerd, "Yes, I will marry you!"  

               Now, Penny Rolling was engaged to Jagged Stone and could hardly wait to marry him!

                She was surprised to see in the headlines to the newspapers since it had only been a few hours since the engagement to him became official.

                        Penny knew it was silly, but wondered if Jagged's pet crocidle Fang would mind sharing Jagged with her.  She was not sure to ask to be apart of Jagged and her's upcoming wedding!

                     She knew for the moment she was happy and looked forward to her and Jagged's future together.

                      the end...


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