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Goku worked as a shop assistant, it was the same old mundane job dealing with the rude customers everyday. He didn't want to leave his job, as his mother put in a good word for him for she worked there too. It had been a while since he had dated, mainly due to being too tired from work, and also the fact he was quite shy. Curious, he saw an ad on a magazine for a hotline called "Champline" a peculiar name yet he was aware how popular they were. They'd have business cards, and tv ads on late at night. Goku was very much aware of the company, he just never had the confidence to call them. It was till he overheard some men talking between them how good the sex callers are on the phone, how they'd have the best orgasm they had in ages that he decided to pluck up the courage. Last night was his first time calling them, and already he was hooked. He kept grinning to himself stacking up the shelves remembering hearing Devon's voice, he gave his birth name Kakarot for no one else called him by that.

"You keep smiling today, is there something you'd like to share?" Gine cooed at her son as she walked up from behind handing him more stock to stack.

Goku simply smiled grabbing the stock off his mother. He blushed slightly for he didn't want his mother to know the real reason he had been smiling to himself. "Just something I saw on tv." He shrugged still stacking the shelves.

"Hm, too much tv isn't good for you. You should be getting out more, meeting new people." She suggested as she collapsed one of the now empty cardboard boxes.

"I do go out with friends, I do have a life." He furrowed his brows at her.

"Not what I'm meaning, it would be nice to see you settle down-"

"Not this again." He sighed rolling his eyes, since turning twenty five that was all his mother would ramble on about. His brother was already starting to settle down with his girlfriend, although his family didn't really like her.

"What? There must be some men or women that's taken your fancy?" She raised a brow looking over at one of the young shop assistant. She covered the side of her mouth with her hand as she whispered to Goku. "What do you think about George?" She knew Goku had dated both genders in the past, although she could personally tell he preferred the same sex.

Goku glanced over at him, he was attractive but certainly not his type. He was slim built, quite a tall young looking bloke. He scrunched his nose up at his mum and shook his head. "No mother, just no."

"Only trying to help." She shrugged and walked into the storage room with the flattened boxes.

Goku chuckled to himself, he was fortunate to have supportive parents, however he found they could be a little too supportive on times. Especially when his mother kept suggesting certain men to him. Finishing his shift, he said his goodbyes to his colleagues before heading back home. He had to cover his excitement from his mother as he gave her a lift home, for he was going to have another late night phone call with Devon. If his mother saw any slight signs of his excitement, she'd be able to tell he was hiding something. Fortunately, Gine was pretty tired and Goku managed to keep himself distracted by listening to some music in the car.

"Night son." Gine said sluggishly whilst rubbing her eye lids, they looked over seeing his father had just arrived back from his job. "Look at that, we both arrived home same time for once." She smiled before planting a kiss on Goku's cheek. "Want to come in for a bit?" She asked as she climbed out the car.

"Oh uh...I'd love to...but uh...I've going to bed early tonight." He smiled before driving off.

Bardock watched as his son drove off in such a hurry, he raised his brow over at Gine. "He's not coming in for a coffee?"

"No, I think he's been talking to someone." Gine giggled looking back at the distance Goku had drove off. She knew all the telltale signs of when her son would take an interest in someone. "Perhaps needs to rush back to talk to them in private." She assumed it was someone he probably met online, and not some sex call worker.

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