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Stubbing his cigarette out whilst exhaling the smoke from his lips. He had almost gone through a whole packet in one day, so frustrated with his house mate for once again cock blocking him. Being so close to one of his clients was very risky, so many risks he was taking, and it set his adrenaline on a high. Knowing the face behind Kakarot's voice , he found him so alluring, enticing him to have more of the touch, the smells, and the taste. Flashback of them making out on the sofa, swooned into his mind, playing back like an old vhs film. Warm feeling felt in his belly recalling the touches, and the aroused state they were in. Vegeta grinned biting on his bottom lip seductively, his cock starting to harden, he hadn't had a call or text from Goku. Too busy focusing on night before, and knowing Kakarot was due to call him tonight, he wasn't too fussed that he hadn't received a text yet. His euphoria state was rudely awakened by a cough from one of his colleagues, he looked over seeing it was Yamcha.

"Hey, the boss wants to talk to you." He smiled over at Vegeta who gave him a scowl and a gentle nod. Yamcha went back down the spiral stair case, leaving Vegeta to let out a puff of air before heading towards the managers office.

Vegeta saw the door to the managers office already slightly ajar, he tapped the door and stepped inside. Hercule was on the phone and held out his hand for Vegeta to wait.

"Oh yeah baby I'm close." He rolled his eyes as the caller moaned down the line. "Call me your champion."

Vegeta raised his brow and crossed his arms, watching as Hercule was picking out debris from between his teeth with a toothpick whilst continuing to talk to his client.

"Now please remember this call is charged extra as you have been gifted the chance to speak to your champion." He ended the call and threw the toothpick in the bin. He grinned over at Vegeta who was pulling a face at him. "Ah Devon."

"...Mark." Vegeta said through his teeth with a forced smile. He found it ludicrous that they had to call each other by their alter ego, his manager was always so paranoid not wanting clients to know their real identity. Even off the phones, when in the building his manager refuse to call them by their real name. Vegeta had given up arguing with him about this.

"So, how you finding the trial?"

"It's going well."

"Seems you have made a new regular client too." He raised a brow over at Vegeta as he was hinting towards Kakarot.

"I have indeed." Vegeta grinned looking to the floor as his cheeks started to heat up.

Hercule sighed holding his hand out as another call came through. "Hold on... hello you are through to the champ how can I help you?...and I'm going to transfer your call cos I'm just a ladies man if you know what I mean, nothing personal." He transferred the call quickly whilst wiping his brow with a sigh of relief. "That would of been so awkward, guy on guy...oh uh, I mean no offence I totally respect your choices."

Vegeta looked at Hercule with no expression before quickly changing the topic back to earlier. "Anyway, was that all you wanted to speak to me about?"

"Well that, and I know it's your day off tomorrow night but since your housemate left I need you to take one of his clients."

"Is it his father?" He pulled a face at the thought.

"What? Fuck Devon, that's a little fucked up." Hercule looked at Vegeta in disgust, clearly unaware that Nappa had taken his fathers call before.

"Well, seeming as I have nothing else better to do...then fine." He shrugged.

"Aw sweet, I'll be sure to throw in extra pay."

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