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It's been a couple of days since Vegeta slept with Goku, and he couldn't stop smiling to himself. They'd text each other occasionally during the day, although they weren't dating Vegeta was growing very fond of Goku and would look forward to whenever they spoke again. Since the trial was working well, Vegeta was given the whole week to work from home much to his delight. Tonight he'd get to speak to Kakarot, he could probably work out if Goku did like him more or his alter ego. He strolled into the kitchen smiling widely as he made himself coffee, Yamcha walked in from behind raising a brow at him.

"What's got you in such a happy mood? haven't seen you smile this much in a while." he asked leaning against the wall.

"Maybe because I'm working from home?" Vegeta responded whilst stirring his coffee.

"Nah, you've got laid. Can tell." he grinned as he saw Vegeta's cheeks turn red. "knew it."

"Don't know what you are talking about." Vegeta huffed avoiding eye contact as he walked past Yamcha to head to the living room.

"We've lived here together for a couple of years now, whenever you get laid you are always smiling to yourself, and walking around the place on a high. Even Nappa notices somethings up, though he assumes it's something you've ate." he rolled his eyes, and looked back at Vegeta who was sat cross legged on the sofa taking sips of his coffee.

"Speaking of that idiot, where is he? it's coming up to midnight?"

"Staying over some family members house or some shit? I don't know, do you think I actually pay attention to what he says?" Yamcha shrugged.

"Think we can trick him to think that he has to pay double rent this month?" Vegeta smirked over at Yamcha.

Yamcha chuckled. "He's going to con on if we keep doing that to him, but yeah sure." He grinned as he grabbed his coat. "Well, have a nice night working from home whilst some of us have to go to the office."

"sucks to be you." Vegeta grinned knowing Yamcha was glaring at him, he didn't even have to turn and look; he could just tell be the eerie silence. He chuckled as he heard the door close, he knew some of his colleagues were envious that he got to work from home. He was just glad to be able to have more private conversations with Kakarot, he did find it fun knowing that Kakarot was unaware he knew exactly who he was; and that they even fucked. He spent the next fifteen minutes finishing his coffee, he grimaced remembering the overtime he worked to take one of Nappa's old clients. He never thought the elderly could be so kinky, it certainly was a major turn off for him, especially since it was on the night after he slept with Goku. After sitting grimacing to himself of such a horrific call, he placed his now empty cup in the kitchen and rushed upstairs to his room.  Setting up the work laptop and placing the headphones on, his heart began racing in excitement, waiting for that cue for the call coming through. Before Vegeta could even speak Goku had already started the conversation which threw Vegeta off slightly.

"Hey Devon!"

"Usually it's me who starts the conversation?"


"It's fine." he smiled hearing such sincere to Goku's apology. "So, did anything interesting happen since we last spoke?"

"Not really, part from my brother and I are helping with planning our parents anniversary meal."

"Sounds fun."

"I mean I guess? but half the people we are inviting, we hardly know. They are like the kind of family members who only show up to social events,then get locked away somewhere or something? cos we never see or hear from them till next social event."

he chuckled as he knew exactly what Kakarot meant, for he too would see so many unfamiliar faces at family events. "I believe everyone has family members like that."

"So strange,  you act like you know them when really you haven't got a clue, and it could be your mums sister or something."

"It happens." he cleared his throat and quickly changed the topic, as much as he found it somewhat funny listening to Kakarot rambling about his family. He was more interested on what Kakarots feelings were towards him. "So, anything else happen you may want to tell me?"

"Such as?"

"Well, you know...did you go out anywhere, or see anyone?"

"Oh...um..no, not really."

"hm, I'm hearing some uncertainty in that voice."

"shit...I really don't want to tell you."

not wanting to interrogate further, Vegeta let out a short sigh and looked into changing the topic again. "Well, since this is a more private conversation...shall we, heat things up?"

"Cool, I'll get the marshmallows."

"Funny." he rolled his eyes.

"I do enjoy talking to you like this though."

"Well, don't get too used to it. I can get in deep shit, you're lucky I'm working from home today."

"So, do you get hard whenever you hear me?"

He furrowed his brows, was he seriously doing role reversal?. "Pardon?"

"Because I get hard hearing your voice."

"Okay, who's the caller here?" He quirked a brow, his hand snaked into his pants for he was indeed getting hard just hearing Kakarots voice. Remembering that day they fucked, the touches, naked bodies pressed together, just how good it felt. If only Kakarot knew.

"Only curious to know."

"Are you hard for me now?"

"A little."

"You going to rub that hard cock for me?" He asked he started to stroke his, his breathing getting heavy as he closed his eyes imagining Kakarot was there naked in front of him.

"Yeah, I can hear you are playing with yourself too. So fucking hot."

"Oh...don't stop talking..." he leaned back thrusting his cock into his hand, stroking it with a firm grip. He lost the control of the call, as Kakarot now took charge.

"Mm Devon, the things I'd love to do to you." A small grunt was heard with heavy pants an indication that he was stroking his cock.

"Tell me ...what you would do to me." His breathing became shallow as he stroked his cock faster, recalling their sex.

"I'd start off by sucking that hard cock of yours."

He grinned stroking his cock faster, low moan escaping past his lips. The pair moaned down the line stroking their cocks. He furrowed his brows as he heard a grunt down the line. "Kakarot...did you just-"

"Yeah...I'm sorry."

"We really need to work on this endurance of yours Kakarot."


"Got to clean yourself up?"


"It's fine, I get paid either way. Speak to you again."

He huffed, with his unsatisfied cock in hand. "I may as well finish in the bathroom." He sighed to himself and removed the headset. Just as he was about to head to the bathroom, his phone lit up with a text.

Hey Vegeta,
I been thinking of you since that day ;)
Fancy arranging another time?

Vegeta smirked, he quickly replied and headed off to the bathroom.

Sure thing, just give me a time and place. ;)

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