Role play

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Leaned against the wall whilst smoking he stared up at the night sky; swirls of smoke hovering above him as he exhaled. The evening was very long and tedious, he had to take a quick break after dealing with a very bizarre client on the other end of the phone. He looked to his side seeing one of the new colleagues that looked as though they were sucking onto their cigarette like there was no tomorrow. He could tell just how stressed they looked, they weren't going to last long. He learned a lot about people since he started his job, not everyone were as innocent as they first perceive to be.

"where is he?!" Came a frantic voice as their footsteps were heard echoing up the stair case.

Vegeta sighed stubbing his cigarette out, he spun on his heel seeing the owner of the hotline looking rather stressed. Vegeta smiled walking towards him resting a hand on his shoulder. "Ah, dear,dear what's got you so stressed now Hercule?"

"firstly, we address each other by our alter ego, you just can't risk our identity being found out by the clients." he shook his head at Vegeta before tugging at the collar of Vegeta's leather jacket.

"Well He- I mean Mark, just what sort of hearing do you think our clients have? ...we are on the fucking rooftop!" Vegeta pushed Hercule's hand off his jacket and quickly straightened himself out.

"You got your client calling in the next two minutes and you are not at your desk!" He pointed to the staircase coaxing Vegeta to head that way.

"Yeah, I was about to head back to the desk anyway, so no need to keep your balls tight, relax." Vegeta grinned as he started to head down the stair case, he could hear Hercule now talking to the new colleague about how it isn't such a bad thing if they jizzed on their first day of work. Vegeta couldn't help but snicker to himself, he hadn't personally got off taking the calls; apart from the occasional pleasuring himself in the staff toilets. He looked at the time and saw his headset now flashing, he quickly placed the headset on and awaited for the call to transfer over to him.

"Hello Kakarot, are we ready for some fun?" he grinned, for he was starting to grow fond of his naive client.

"What kind of fun?"

"Oh, I think you know. My cock is already up and waiting to be stroked, just hearing your voice right now-" He let out a low moan whilst staring at the monitor screen to check his calendar. "so hot."

"Not as hot as you sound."

Vegeta smirked, he stretched his arms up as he let out another moan knowing this would arouse Goku further. Five minutes into the fake moans and exchange of compliments, they had moved onto their roleplay. It took a few minutes as Vegeta had to help build the scene, they typical housemaid was picked, Vegeta was now swinging on his chair putting on a seductive voice. "Yeah, spank me!" he demanded, he chuckled quietly as he could hear the sudden pause, knowing he'd have to prompt Goku further.


"Grab a belt, a ruler or something and smack it across the bed side, let me hear it so I can imagine it."

"Like this?" there was a loud slap sound that hit a hard surface.

"Oh yeah! More, give me more I been so bad." Vegeta grinned putting on more fake moans and pants.

"Well...okay..." the loud slaps continues, from what Vegeta could tell sounded like a leather belt that left a satisfying sound when it touched the surface.

"Mmm yeah! Fuck... I'm pinching my nipples, they are so hard, do you want me to continue doing that?"

"Yeah twist them baby."

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