The girlfriend of Raditz.

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Rubbing his eye lids, whilst he glanced at the time 10:25pm he had a long day in work, and was still exhausted from speaking to Devon early hours of the morning. Goku had also been messaging Vegeta to make plans for their next visit, it was proven to be quite difficult as neither had the time where they were both free. He turned the tv off about to go to bed, till he heard loud repetitive knocks on his door. Confused, he looked back at the time he wasn't expecting anybody especially so late, unless Vegeta was giving him a surprise visit. He grinned to himself, and quickly rushed to the front door to answer, he frowned seeing it was in fact his brothers girlfriend Launch. She pushed herself in stumbling past Goku holding a bottle of wine, and a carrier bag full of bottles. She looked around the apartment before turning to face Goku with her glassy eyes and a cheerful grin, she left lingering smell of alcohol that filled Goku's nostrils. He could see she was highly intoxicated.

"This here nice place you got." She slurred whilst trying to keep her balance.

"You need to go home." He sighed watching as she giggled and crashed onto his sofa.

"Your brother is-" she hiccuped "your brother...ah forget it."

Goku could see she wasn't going to leave anytime soon, he rolled his eyes and sat next to her. "Did you two have an argument or something?"

"Y-yesss he did! And I say fufufuck him!" She offered Goku bottle of beer from the carrier bag.

He shrugged and accepted the drink from her, he spent the next half hour listening to her bitch about his brother. She probably wasn't going to remember much of it based on how intoxicated she was.  He wasn't sure what his brother saw on her, even his parents were skeptical of her. However, they had been dating for a while so they grew to accept her, even when they had a lot of fall outs. Usually she'd storm off to her friends, but for some unknown reason she went directly to Goku. He started to feel slightly tipsy after drinking from his forth bottle, he glanced back at Launch who smiled mischievously at him. He scrunched his brows watching Launch roll off the sofa landing on her knees and crawling between his legs.

"Um...Launch what are you-" his eyes widened watching as she pulled his zip down with her mouth. No wonder his brother liked her so much, he watched in astonishment how quick she was getting his cock out. "Launch we-" he looked down at her watching as she started to suck his cock, feeling it starting to harden in her mouth. "Oh...okay..."

"Mm getting so hard for me now." She smirked and trailed her tongue around the head of Goku's cock.

Goku thrashed his head back, feeling his hard cock being engulfed and sucked. "Ohhh...oh fuck!" He let out a moan as she played with his balls whilst continuing to suck hard up and down the shaft. " need to-" he moaned feeling his cock hit the back of her throat as she started to deep throat. His eyes rolled back as she continued to suck hard, deep throating in between. His breathing got shallow as he started to moan out Devon's name.

Launch snapped her head up releasing the slick cock from her mouth. "W-who is Devon?" She asked scrunching her face up.

Goku bit hard on his lip as he realised that he wasn't moaning Devon's name out in his head.He could see she was still looking up at him, his hands pushed Launch's head back down to his cock. "Oh this is so wrong." He looked up at the ceiling, his toes curled as she continued to suck his cock. He panted, feeling the wave of pleasure travelling down his cock, and sending shivers down his spine as she continued. He tapped her shoulders fighting back a moan. "Launch, stop! What about my brother?!"

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