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"Hey, I've got to go to work." Goku soothed, his hand splayed on Vegeta's chest. He smiled watching Vegeta slowly adjust his eyesight, to the natural light that shone through his bedroom. If he could, he'd happily spend all morning basking in Vegeta's alluring appearance. Fierce kisses trailed down Vegeta's neck, something about him was so addicting.

"Mm, go lower." He smirked resting one arm behind his head, and the other hand massaging Goku's shoulder.

Goku glanced over at time from his alarm clock, he raised a brow back at Vegeta who's smirk grew to a seductive smile, biting on his bottom lip seductively to entice Goku further. "Hm, I don't know if I'll have much time." He tittered as he felt Vegeta grind his hip against him, he could feel Vegeta's hardened cock brush against his hip, and it aroused him.

"You won't if you keep talking to me." He licked his top lip, as he continued to grind his hip against Goku.

"I guess I should show my appreciation for last night." He planted a kiss on Vegeta's soft lips, and glided himself down to the twitching cock. He delved his tongue into the slit, lapping up the taste, before twirling his tongue around the head of the cock. He kept eye contact on Vegeta, watching his facial reactions as he started to suck on the head; his hand palming the shaft with firm strokes. swollen lips meeting half way with his hand as he started to bob on the shaft, with hollowed cheeks.

Drunken in pleasure, he felt pressure building up, warmth radiating from his lower belly. He started to thrust his cock into Goku's mouth. "Fuck yes, Kakarot!" He mewled out in delight, he whined as Goku stopped and looked up at him.  He furrowed his brows at Goku's shocked expression. "What?"

"Nothing, just you sound like someone I sort of know. Besides, when did I agree to you calling me that?"

"Sorry, I won't -" his breath hitched as he felt his cock engulfed in the wet heat again, and firm hand stroking his shaft.

Goku slid his mouth off the slick cock and smirked at Vegeta. "I didn't say you had to stop." He actually found it arousing hearing his name roll off Vegeta's tongue. He slid his mouth down the cock again, taking the cock further down his throat.

"Fuck you're amazing." Vegeta moaned through his teeth, watching his cock disappear into the wet heat, Goku's swollen wet lips sealed around the shaft. He felt close to a dizzy bliss as vibrations travelled down his cock from Goku's moans that was felt at the back of Goku's throat. "Almost there-fuck." Vegeta panted, his fingers glided through Goku's hair as he started to fuck Goku's mouth. Sloppy sounds echoed the room as Goku sucked faster in sync to Vegeta's thrusting. His blood buzzing in his ears as he was close to his peak, legs trembled as he was drowning in pleasure. "F-fuck...that's it babe." He rasped and arched his back as his moan rippled through him, and released inside Goku's mouth.

Goku swallowed the salty essence down, and sucked some more ensuring to have every last drop, before he released the satisfied cock from his mouth. He crawled back up planting a kiss on Vegeta's lips, his hand rested on Vegeta's chest as their kiss deepened as though he was stealing his breath. Goku parted his lips and smiled down studying Vegeta's flushed face. "You are welcome to stay here, or I can give you a lift back to your place?"

Vegeta slowly sat himself up as he caught his breath, and wiped the sweat from his brow. "I'll need to head back to mine, got to make sure my place is still standing."

"I understand." Goku snorted, remembering who Vegeta's roommate is "thanks again for last night. I was starting to think you were avoiding me." He sighed as he crawled out of bed to get himself into his work uniform.

"And avoid that sexy face of yours? Never." He winked over at Goku as he climbed out of bed, to reach for his clothes in his bag.

Goku caught a glimpse of Vegeta's naked body from behind, he blushed and quickly looked away as he buttoned his shirt. "I never saw you as a dancing type."

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