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Vegeta was leaned against the kitchen counter, staring blankly out the kitchen window, smoke escaping past his pressed lips. This was his second cigarette this morning, stress eating away at him as it was getting harder keeping his secret.

"Smoking again?" Goku raised a brow as he walked into the kitchen, not long out the shower and dressed ready for work. Vegeta let out a grunt whilst inhaling from the cigarette. "Everything okay?"

"Of course." He smiled whilst stubbing out the cigarette and exhaling the smoke from his lips. He approached Goku wrapping his arms around Goku's waist,inhaling the fresh citrus scent from his body. "Last night was amazing." He licked and sucked on Goku's nape, that sent shivers down Goku's spine.

"Oh Vegeta, you were amazing."

"You mean-"he cupped Goku's crotch.  "you were amazing."  He smiled kissing down Goku's neck whilst rubbing between Goku's legs, rewarding him with soft quiet moans from Goku.

Goku pulled back from the stimulation, as he could feel himself get hard. If he didn't have work to go to, he'd of happily allowed Vegeta to continue. "That dance you done last night, it was fucking hot. I was close to pouncing you a couple of times during the performance."

"I could tell by the way you were looking at me, and the way you fucked me afterwards." He licked his top lip with a seductive smile.

Goku let out a light chuckle as his cheeks started to heat up. "I'm surprised you can even walk today."

"Barely." He winked, he was feeling slightly delicate from last night, not that he was complaining. "So, when is my darling boyfriend free again?"

"Oh, I'm a darling boyfriend now?"

"Hm, would you like if I called you my stallion?" He leaned into Goku groping his crotch. "Or, how about ...daddy?" He whispered in a seductive tone with a mischievous glint in his eye.

Goku cupped Vegeta's chin with his hand, and ran his tongue along Vegeta's luscious lips. He then suckled lightly on Vegeta's bottom lip, before planting a rough passionate kiss. Vegeta let out a small whine as soon as Goku parted their lips and smiled at him. "Alright, my little sex kitten get in the car, I've got work to go to." He winked as Vegeta wrinkled his nose up at the nickname.

Goku dropped Vegeta by his house, he sighed as Vegeta unbuckled his seatbelt. He was so nervous to confess that he loved him, unsure if Vegeta felt the same way, and he didn't want to scare Vegeta off.

"See you this weekend?" Vegeta planted a kiss on Goku's cheek before climbing out the car.

"You know, it would be nice if we got the chance to spend more time together. I don't mind you staying over mine, even dropping you off to work and picking you up again."

Vegeta felt a hard lump form inside his throat, he swallowed hard, and avoided Goku's eye contact. "so just drop me a message when your family are um...planning that meal okay?"

Goku furrowed his brows, he observed Vegeta's reaction, and the fact he changed the subject, which didn't sit right with him. "Vegeta, are you hiding something?"

"Perhaps a slight boner." He winked.

"You'd tell me no matter how insignificant it may be, if you were hiding something?"

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