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After a long crappy day in work; he felt deflated. He hadn't heard from Vegeta which affected his mood more. After finishing his shower, he was about to head to his bed, light tapping was heard on his front door. He threw on his boxers, a little reluctant to answer the persistent knocking, he slowly walked towards the door. "Launch, if that's you, you can fuck off!" He growled as he stood staring at his front door. The knocking stopped.

"Nah, she's not here. I heard she was having some daddy issues." came a familiar voice from the other side of the door.

Goku bit his lip and quickly opened the door, Vegeta was stood holding a bag over his shoulder. Goku scanned his eyes over Vegeta wearing tight trousers, and a leather jacket. "H-hi." He stuttered keeping his focus on Vegeta's crotch, as the clothing hugged tightly leaving very little to imagination. His jaw hung open soaking up the view.

"Mind if I stay the night?" He smirked, and closed Goku's mouth shut by pushing his chin upwards with his index finger.He strolled past ensuring Goku had a good view of his backside, as the jeans hugged tightly cupping his cheeks. slowly he bent forward short distance in front of Goku, placing his bag down on the floor.

"I thought that you had" He swallowed some of the excessive saliva pooling in his mouth.

"I managed to get the night off." he slowly stood straight and spun on the ball of his foot, to face the gawking boyfriend. "I thought I'd give you a surprise visit, unless you had other plans for the night?" He raised a brow, knowing that Goku was meant to be calling Devon. And if he did try to call Devon, he'd find out 'Devon' was in fact stood in his living room.

"Um...I didn't have anything in mind." he almost missed the door as he stumbled over trying to close it behind him, his focus was mainly on Vegeta.

Vegeta leaned over the dustbin that was placed in the corner of the room, he spat out gum and wiped his lips. Rubbing his hands together he approached Goku who was stood still like a statue, basking in his appearance. "Don't you want to sit down?" He hinted towards the sofa as he held onto Goku's hand, coaxing him towards the sofa. He helped Goku sit down on the middle seat, as he took a step back allowing Goku to eye his body up.

"I-I wasn't expecting you tonight." Goku gulped so transfixed on Vegeta's toned body, the trousers hugging his crotch area.

"Oh?" Vegeta pulled down the zip of his leather jacket sensually, as he gave Goku a lascivious glaze. "Was there something you had planned after all?" He opened his jacket only slightly to peek Goku's interest.

Goku shook his head a little, whilst he watched Vegeta starting to slowly open his jacket more. He was sure Devon wouldn't mind if he missed one call.  So heavily captivated on his boyfriends appearance, he hadn't noticed the song 'pour some sugar on me' playing in the background. He woke himself from his gaze, as the song started to flood in drowning out his inner thoughts. His heart drumming, and his stomach in knots, watching Vegeta slowly slide his arm out his jacket. "Vegeta...w-wha-" he was silenced by Vegeta's jacket landing on his lap, his breath hitched as he gazed back at Vegeta. His alluring eyes enticing Goku,  as he ran his fingers over his white top that clung to his chiseled body.

"You know, I've not really spent much time with you." Vegeta spoke out in a husky tone, his fingers slowly trailing over his top, tracing his abs. "And I just wasn't sure how to show you, how much I've missed you these past couple of days." He smirked seeing Goku's attention was focused on his body, as well as the music playing in the background. He tweaked his nipples through the top, slowly his hands glided away from his nipples and gripped onto the centre of his top. He chuckled seeing Goku watching with his mouth slack jawed, he stepped a couple of steps backwards, swaying his hips as he ripped his top off in one swift motion.

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