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Getting ready for his evening 8 o'clock shift, he threw on his leather jacket about to head out for a quick smoke before heading off to work. There was counting heard in the kitchen that caused him to furrow his brows in curiosity. He walked into the kitchen and watched Nappa piercing his micro meal lid with a fork with a pensive look.

"Five." Nappa placed the fork to the side with a triumphant grin whilst he carefully placed the meal inside the microwave.

"Why were you counting?" Vegeta raised a brow with a curious glare, whilst he pulled out a cigarette from an unopened packet.

"It says here, to pierce the lid several times, and that's what I've done." he looked back at Vegeta as if he had two heads for even asking him.

"Yes, but why did you count?"

"Because Vegeta, it says 'several' times!" he ensured to emphasis on the word several, as though Vegeta didn't understand the word or what it meant. To Nappa it meant seven.

Vegeta rolled his eyes. "I'm going to smoke outside before any more of my brain cells die from talking to such an ignoramus person." he placed the cigarette between his lips and started to light it as he walked outside.

Nappa frowned in confusion."What type of dinosaur is that?" He looked over seeing Vegeta walking out the door. "Vegeta?"

Vegeta ignored Nappa calling out his name, as he leaned against the wall next to Yamcha, the pair smoking whilst rolling their eyes as they listened to Nappa call out for them both. Fortunately, Nappa seemed to of got the hint as everything went silent after a whole minute of wailing out their names.

"You dating that guy that was over here couple nights ago?" Yamcha asked whilst staring at the street lights in the distance.

Vegeta knitted his brows together and looked over at Yamcha ,as he stubbed the end of his cigarette on the cold brick wall. "Why are you asking?"

Yamcha shrugged and turned his head to the side to face Vegeta, whilst they were both still leaning against the wall. "Just curious if you have told him about your work? Cos no way could I date someone and not tell them about the job, but then I'd also find it embarrassing to say."

"He's not going to know, and you are not going to say shit either."

"Fine by me, how long do you think you'll be able to keep it hidden from him?"

"As long as I can."he glanced over at Nappa walking outside helping himself to his cigarette pack. "dammit Nappa stop helping yourself to my shit!" he hissed and marched over to him snapping the box from Nappa's hands.

"Ah, you don't mind really." he smiled as he waved the cigarette he helped himself to in front of Vegeta's face.

"No, I really do mind!" he gritted his teeth as he shoved the pack into his coat pocket.

Nappa cocked his head to the side with his brows furrowed at Vegeta. "That's exactly what I said."

"What?."Vegeta could see the confused expression on Nappa's face. He let out a sigh and massaged his temples. "No, Nappa I do not like you helping yourself to my stuff!"

"Isn't that what friends do though? They share? I'm only borrowing it." he frowned as he lit the cigarette.

"Oh great, so what do you plan to do with it after you've finished 'borrowing' it, you going to fart it out whole or something?" Vegeta scoffed at him, he was fighting back the urge to slap Nappa across the face. It was like having an annoying sibling helping them self to your stuff without consent.

"That's just silly." Nappa snorted.

"You don't say." he looked back at Nappa with a deadpan expression, he was trying to work out how he even became friends with Nappa in the first place.

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