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Drumming his fingers mindlessly on the desk, whilst he stared blankly at the empty cigarette packet. A long exasperated sigh past his lips. He wasn't sure how much longer he was going to last the rest of his shift, without another smoke. His eyes trailed towards the monitor screen, which caused him to furrow his brows,and lean closely towards the monitor. Assuming he was just tired, he rubbed his eyes and double checked. Why was Kakarot on the list for his next call? Perhaps something to do with the family meal. Goku had acted a little strange since the other day, which only made Vegeta feel more anxious. Five painstakingly minutes past, he quickly put on his headset, calmly he took a deep breath before answering.

"Hello Kakarot, I thought you weren't going to call me again?"

"Hm, changed my mind I guess."

"I see, don't you have a boyfriend?"

"Yes, and I'm talking to him right now."

Vegeta cleared his throat, his heart started to thump hard against his chest. "I'm sorry, what?"

"You see, after the way you have been acting recently. It really made me question if I was right to assume you were Devon from the start."

He could just admit it, get it over and done with. Considering he was starting to lose sleep over it. But something kept pulling him back, making him so reluctant to confess. He swallowed hard, his fingers now fumbling away at the empty cigarette packet. "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Oh wow. Still going to deny it huh? Hold on a sec. -Hey Nappa, where is it you said Vegeta worked again?"

"Oh my fucking god." Vegeta's eyes widened, his throat started to feel dry.

"Oh that's right, I remember Nappa getting confused when you had pushed him out the room that day, you know after he was mentioning where you worked?"  

There was a familiar voice in the background that caused Vegeta to let out an inaudible gasp.

"Tell Vegeta I said hi."


"So, you still going to deny it then?"

"Deny what?"

"I know it's you Vegeta, no point on this fucking act now."

Vegeta adjusted the collar of his shirt around his neck, as it started to feel restricting. "I think your friend there has got the wrong end of the stick, I am not your boyfriend."


There was a click sound as Goku hung up. Vegeta leaned back covering his face, he inhaled deeply slowly pulling his hands away from his face. "Fuck, fuck...fuck!" He threw the headset on the desk and jumped up from the chair, pacing the room.

One of the floor managers rushed over with a stern look. "You can't treat the companies property like that!"

"Fuck your property!" He sneered whilst kicking the chair.

Bulma who hadn't long returned from her breaks, caught the commotion going on. She rushed over grabbing Vegeta by the arm. "Alright, outside."  She looked back at the unimpressed floor manager. "I've got this." She smiled, whilst dragging Vegeta away from his desk. "What's going on?" She asked as they reached outside break out area.

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