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Walking back into the house after having a quick smoke, he was about to head back upstairs ready for his call with Kakarot. Nappa walked in from behind, he had finished his first shift from his new job and had visited his family straight after. Vegeta wasn't expecting Nappa to be home till later, he frowned as Nappa stood in front of him grinning.

"Hey, hey Vegeta. I got told this joke by my six year old niece and I still don't get it!"

"Well go sit in a corner somewhere and figure it out yourself." Vegeta grunted as he grabbed onto the stair banister about to head up the stairs.

"Aw come on Vegeta, I want to tell it in work, I need to know the joke first." Nappa frowned yanking onto the bottom of Vegeta's top.

Vegeta gritted his teeth, he turned facing Nappa. "What are you babbling about?"

"So, it goes like this...whys six scared of seven?"

"Cos se-"

Nappa interrupted continuing the joke."Cos seven eight's just counting up and I don't see how it's funny? Why is six scared of seven Vegeta?" he scratched his head knitting his brows in confusion as he tried to work it out.

Vegeta rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Because, seven ate nine."

Nappa threw his hands in the air "Yes, I just said that part of the joke Vegeta, were you even listening to me?" he pouted crossing his arms.

"Fuck sake." he pinched the bridge of the nose, he could tell Nappa was just not understanding.

"Well, what is the joke Vegeta, I don't get it?!" Nappa frowned tapping his foot, he couldn't understand why his niece found the joke so hilarious, it was just counting, and counting wasn't a laughing matter. Specially when he struggled with the basic sums.

"Seven ate fucking nine!" he snarled holding his hands out mid air as though threatening to throttle the stupidity out of Nappa.

"And I just told you that part! I want to know what the joke is!" Nappa stomped his foot down in anger.

"For the love of-" Vegeta inhaled deeply whilst massaging his temples, he looked back at Nappa's lost expression; slowly he exhaled. "The number seven, ate number nine."

Nappa pinched the bridge of his nose whilst shaking his head. "Now you really aren't making sense, you don't get the joke either."

Seeing Nappa giving him a raised brow, he rolled his eyes and folded his arms. "No, no listen... the number seven had number nine for dinner."

Nappa furrowed his brows, he gave Vegeta a confused look. "Where does it say that in the joke?"

"You know what? Figure it out yourself. I'm still pissed with you, I almost got laid at the party!"

Nappa gave look of bewilderment."You were dying?"

Vegeta scrunched his face up. "What?"

Yamcha walked down the stairs and grabbed his coat from the coat hanger, he tried to avoid Nappa's eye contact. "Hey Yamcha, maybe you can help!" Nappa smiled over tapping Yamcha's shoulder.

"I've got to go to work, ask Vegeta." Yamcha sighed as he put his coat on.

"No, don't ask Vegeta, Vegeta has work himself!" Vegeta snarled.

"Please Yamcha, it's this joke I don't understand." Nappa whined giving Yamcha pleading eyes.

Yamcha looked over seeing Vegeta pinching the bridge of his nose, he rolled his eyes and looked back at Nappa. "What is it then?"

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